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" sogat nahi karo ge hamara!? " The busy marriage hall created a deep silence  after listening the loud intense tone of some one ....that person moved head to cough the whole view of the hall..Red and white decorated hall looked so cultured... There was a big banner in the top of the entrance of this hall... There was written the name of bride and groom.. In blod from...

"Anuvab weds haseena."..

There was lots of lighting...for wishing their favorite offices..normal people came to attended their wedding..they all had a big smiled on their lips after seeing that person...even sinior to junior who had that time to attended their wedding they were smiled out....but the sparkles of the bride eyes had after saw that person was another level..she moved up herself..
.who made over with a beautiful lahanga ...her heir knot with a bun with lots of flowers..she didn't have any make up indeed..when her those deep downy eyes met with her dimple smile...it was a another level of music...and after narrow her eyes over that person..her eyes spork how long days...she had been waited for it.

.."KARISHMA SHING!!" her mouth ulter the name with full of affection...for  bottom of her heart...

Karishma had a mascular.  physical.appearance..she stepped up with the musical sounds of Instrument near be the entrance hall..  ..While those three stars form the police uniform.. Saw the authority of this person had.. But her face had a devilish smirk.. While her eyes cough behind the black..

She pulled out her glasses.. Her deep dark eyes met with those sparkling eyes of haseena... Her heir messed up...Her eyes we're blank 

   The groom of the day who sat beside her... He lifted up himself after seeing those happy tears was flowing down over cheeks " Haseena ji samhaliye khud ko" His put his hand over her soulder but she was an any mood to listen...she got her deaf ness..her blind ness right now

she wanted to saw karishma whole heart ly..there was a lady who's age near be 60 she spork with a lots of carefully voice " Bata how could she stop when they meet with each other after that much hug fights..." She moved her head towards groom who simply gave a nod with a big smile..

" You are always suparb ammi!! " He words got cut by haseena who's asked karishma like she was a illustration for her... Her voice mumble.. In little slow tone..

" Ap aya gaye !! " A shocker yet full of excitement voice haseena

the connection thought out form their eye contact... The journey form entrance to the stage.. It seemed like those time frozen...

it was evening Time...karishma  kept stamped her foot stop two step before the stage ..the burning fire in the havan..getting out more and more.the priest was chatting mantas..for agni dev....

Those layer of buring fire.. Lighting the face of karishma... " Kasa na ata akhir hamare bina ye  shadi hi nahi hoti" Karishma spoke in mysterious voice... Haseena replied her back ...with twisting her lips ... " How could you know so well, krishu babu!! " Expect karishma.. All of the persons who was listening the tanna form the tanna queen... Chuckle.

. "Huh!!apka kyu sogat kara ji !? Hain!? Ye to apko karna chaye suva sa akar " Pushpa ji came towards her with a tray who was looking really prety for his son' s marriage ...in a light multy color saree with flower bun over her head...with a heavy make up....she stood in front of her...while handed over the tray in billa's hand who stand side of her in white cout with cerry pink color of shirt under the cout and his lower also white...he took it with exchange smiled...

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