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I groan and check the clock. It was 5am.
"FIVE AM?"I jump up and hold my head. I have not slept well. I just get up, go take a shower and walk downstairs with my towel wrapped around my waist. I go heat up water and grab a Cup. I pour some honey to the Cup and place a vailla-Honey flavored Teabag into it. Then I pour hot water to the Cup. some of it falls to my hand, leaving a burning part to my hand. I dont mind it and pour the rest of the needed water to the Cup, carry the Cup upstairs and place it to my bedside table, stirring it for a while, while scrolling through Sinstagram. I post a picture of Fat nuggets to my account and then sip the tea. I cant help but cough for a while, and a big breeze of cold fills my body, making me shiver. I hide under the covers of my bed and continue drinking my tea.
Everything is so cold..

The time hits 7am, and Alastor comes to check up on me. im asleep under 5 blankets.
"Angel? Are you okay?" He shakes me awake.
"Mmmh...Val please dont.." I yawn.
"Angel I am not that bitch. get up, your hot."
Alastor helps me up and Takes my temperature.
"Just as I suspected. Your staying home today Angie. your sick."
"Mmmh noo..." I yawn and go back to bed.
"Yes. And I'll make sure of it."
"No buts Angel. you know you will always Lose our fights.
"Mmm... fineeee..." I yawn and Fall asleep once again.
"Good." He pats my head and walks downstairs.


I walk downstairs and go boil some hot water to make soup for Angel. God dam how did he get sick this time?! I just yawn and finish the soup.
"Good morning Al! Making soup I see! for breakfast? dont you think thats something to eat for..Lunch?" Charlie stretches, and walks next to me, taking a bowl and filling it up with cereal.
"This is for Angel. He is sick."
"Again? This is like his second time this year!"
"Yeah yeah. well Ill be taking care of him."
"Alright then. do you want me to cancel your plans for today?"
"not really. Just switch them to the next day."
I walk upstairs with the Bowl of soup. Angel is asleep.
"Amore mio. I got you some soup."
"Since when did you start calling me your love in italian?"
"I- uhm.."
I giggle and take the soup from his hands, and start eating it.
"Just shut up and eat it."
"What do you think I am doing?"
"Being a bitch."


"Was it now?~" he leans closer to my face. I place a kiss to his lips and continue eating the soup. He turns red as a fucking tomato and teleports out of the room.
I giggle and just finish the soup. Then I lay back to bed and Fall asleep shortly after. Everything was so comfortable..

"Wake up Angel. Everyone else will go out to get grocerys. And cause I know you will try to escape, Alastor will be watching over you." Charlie leans against the door, hands crossed.
"WHAT? I have standards. Out of everyone you chose HIM?"
"Alastor will make sure you dont leave."
"Oh?~ Well in that case, I get to stay home and have a chance for a little rough play?~ Maybe this isnt as bad as I thought ~" I lick my lips.
"Dont listen to him Al. He is trying to get to you."
Al walks over to me and leans closer to my face.
"You better shut that pretty mouth of yours or Im doing it for you." He places his finger to my lips, making me blush softly.
"Aaand thats my Que to leave!!" Charlie walks away.
I grin.
"Or what, mr radio demon?~"

Im tied up, with tape all around my face.
Alastor looks proud of what he did, which makes me pissed off, so I let out a "HMPH!" From underneath the tape.
"Not so cocky, are we now?"
I smirk and stare at his crotch, and then back at him.
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" he spins me around and makes me face the wall.
i giggle and lay against the wall.
"Can you stop?"
I try to talk but its impossible.
"Sucks doesnt it? being a bitch and then tied up hm?"
I grin and smile.
"Stop being happy."
I tilt my head and Fall to the floor.
"oh my god." Al helps me up and rips all of the tape around my face off at the same time. It hurts like shit but I managed to keep a pokerface.
"The next words out of your mouth better be "I am sorry alastor" Or I am putting this back on."
I stay silent.
"Giving me the silent treatment now are we?"
I grin.
"You really want this back?"
I shake my head.
"Then talk whore."
"THATS NOT WHA- okay." Al leaves the room and i Fall to the ground laughing.
"Nope Nope Nope." I can hear him say.
"Come on Al~ I can escape ~" His tentacles block the door.
"Hentai huh?"
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" Al screams.
"Then come back."
"Only if you treat me like a fucking sin and not a fucking Pet."
"But you were my Pet 2 days ago ~"
I Chuckle.
"Come warm me up. Im cold."
"I am not your goddam bodyguard. Im being payed to keep you in this room before Charlie and the others come back."
"Sure sure."
"Yes. Now be a good little bitch boy and rest. your fucking sick."
"Mhm." I say and lay down.
"Was it that hard?"
"Kinda yeah. how so? did you expect me to obey you that easily? HA!"
"Theres times when I fucking hate you.."
"I love you too <3"

{ 1020 words! }

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