"You just want to talk"

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( Hello ! The creator of this story here ! I've been extremely busy with school and other stuff , lost interest in typing , but I'll try to post more ! Here is a chapter for yall!! Also thank you for all the love on the other chapters! <33 )

Sitting on my chair, I am talking to a client. She introduces herself as "Fiona".
"So, Fiona was it? Get your pants off yk. You paid for me."
"No Angel."
"What? You know what I am right? A sex worker."
"I just wanna talk."
"Y-You just want to talk?" I sigh.
"Cant I just give u a blowey and we will call it even?"
Fiona Shakes her head.
Angel nods and thinks for a while.
"You know I am on the clock right now. I don't really have time for this ... emotionally supressed thing."
"Just try. for me?" Fiona gives Angel the most innocent look she can push out of her face.
Angel Thinks for a bit..


Time goes on as Fiona and Angel talk. Valentino will not be happy about this.

"I cant believe you have to go through all of this!" Fiona places her hand onto Angels shoulder as he wipes his mascara filled tears off of his cheeks.
"Thank you." he sobs out.

Valentino storms into the room with a mad expression on his face. He forces it to look calm as he sees that Angel is with a client.

"Ah Angel! I didn't know you were with a client!" Valentino forces a calm smile.
Fiona stares at Valentino and then back at Angel. Angel gives her a Very soft nod, making Fiona realize.
"My bad Valentino. I know he is on the clock an all!! Just paid extra for a bit more time with him you know?" Fiona chuckles calmly.
"My my dear it's totally alright! You two just finish up, and Angel, can I see you in your dressing room for a moment.?" Valentino flashes a grin at Angel.
"Yes of course Valentino." It's not like Angel had a choice.
Fiona gives Valentino a calm smile, but deep inside she wanted to smash his head against the wall and watch him bleed.


Valentino slams the door closed after Angel enters the room. He then rises his hand and slaps his face at full speed, forcing Angel to fall back and crash against the sofa at the opposite side of the room. Angel whines out of pain and holds his right cheek on his arms as he looks up at Val's furious eyes..

"What makes you think you can 'just talk' with a client?" He asks, his voice filled with flames as he picks Angel up and throws him against the full-body mirror next to the sofa. The mirror breaks and shatters ontop of Angel's now fragile body.
"N-No Val!! I-I-" Angel tried to explain but Val wasn't having any of it.
"Do you remember who's in charge here?" Valentino asks, as he holds Angel's chest and slams him to the sofa.
"N-NO V-Val I-I HAVEN'T!!" Angel screams.

Valentino gets up and fixes his outfit. He then creates a pinkish redish ball in his arms, casting it at Angel. A chain is locked around Angel's neck as Valentino yanks him up, and against him. He then brings Angel infront another mirror, and breathes deeply into Angel's Neck, his expression dull and emotionless.

"You know I never want to hurt you, but you brought this onto yourself. You make me money, you do as I say, and you do WHAT I say. Got it?"
"I-I-" Angel mutters.
"Yes Valentino."
"Good. Now leave and go make daddy some money." He shoves Angel aside and stroms off of the room.


Sitting in a bar, Angel is chatting with some dudes, making jokes about the life in the Hazbin Hotel..

"Hey baby? Can ya get me another one? Daddy's out of juice~" Angel swings his empty glass of wine to a sinner, that nods and leaves.

He spends his time well in the bar, forgetting everything that happened in the studio.


Returning to the Hotel, Angel walks up the stairs in pain, and enters his room, slamming the door after him. He then throws himself onto the bed and groans out of pain. Another shitty day in hell..

Fat nuggets crawls from his bed next to the door, to ontop of Angel's bed and snuggles against him to make him feel better. Angel opens his eyes slowly, and pets the pig calmly, a warm smile curving onto his face, seeing his loyal companion.

Maybe the Hotel isn't that bad after all...

( Hello ! Sorry that this chapter took so long to finish considering the Fact that I started writing this after the last part. I take requests, so leave comments down below if you want to see specific type of content :D I'll try to post atleast once every month, but I have alot of school to catch on with , so it might take a while :) )

845 words !

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