" Stuck. "

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I slam my head straight to the edge of a doorknob and hit my head against the floor. My vision gets blurry as I try to get up, facing who or whatever attacked me. My vision gets more blurry as I try to keep myself concious. It doesn't take a while till I fully black out.


I cough myself wake, and look around the room Im in. My vision still kinda blurry, I take in my surroundings, till someone or something enters the room I'm in.. The door opens slowly, and I turn to look at it. The only thing I can take from the figure, is that it has a cane and deer shaped ears.
"A-Alastor?" I speak out, trying to fix my vision.
"Angel." Alastor responds.
"What happened..?"
"Nothing that you should worry about." he says, and steps closer to me, holding my chin up with the end of his cane, radio staff thingy.
"I feel weird..."
"You hit your head hard. I'd recommend resting alot." He walks away but I grab his leg.
"Please stay. I can't see well, so I need someone here with me."

Alastor turns to look at you and continues walking.

"I wouldn't be much of a help." he leaves the room and locks the door after.

I rush to the door and start banging and slamming it, pleading Alastor to let me go.

"This is for your own good Angel. Rest." he says, and I can hear his steps get quiet..

I sigh deeply, knowing there is no way out, until he opens the door. I crawl to a corner and cover myself with everything I can find in the room, and try to rest for a while. It's been a long day and I can't keep my eyes open any longer.


I groan and hold my head in my arms, trying to rub my eyes open. Everything hurts and I am in so much pain.
Alastor is standing next to me, with his warm grin and his cane in his arms.

"Wake up Angel."
I rub my eyes more aggressively and stare at him.
"How long was I out for?"
"For a good 5 hours, my dear. Did you sleep well though?" He smiles at me.
"I guess.." I try to get up but my legs fail and I slam to the floor.
"Easy now, Angel dear."
"What did you do to me? I could stand up 5 hours ago! What kind of Woodoo stuff did you put on me this time?" I try to not scream at him.
"Calm down darling. This is for your own good."
"What do you mean by my own good??? You have me almost glued to the floor! Explain yourself! Now." I look at him, my expression mad and full of questions.
He looks at me for a second and then turns away.
"Hey!! Where are you going?" I scream.
"How long does it take for you to realize it yourself?"
I think for a while.
"Realize what..?"
"NO? YOU HORNY SPIDER." he screams, and turns to look at me again.
"Then what?"
"I want to talk.."
"About... us." He says, nervously rubbing the back of his head.
"About us huh? What about us?"
"Our relationship Angel. It's...It's confusing me.."
"Soo instead of talking to me normally, you decided to chain me up to the ground?"
"It wasn't the ideal thing to do but I didn't know what to do okay?" There is a hint of nervousness in his words..
"So..Can we like..Fuck this is so hard to say.."
"Just spit it out!"
"Can we like... G-Go out sometime? Just the two of us? A-And just kind of talk.. As all."
"Are you asking me OUT?"
"I-I guess I am yeah."

I think for a while..

"Sure, I don't have anything against it!" I smile.

I can see his tail wagging softly behind his back.
"Great! I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6." He storms off the room, and I can feel my body calm down and soften. I slowly get up and clean myself before continuing with my life..


Petting Fat nuggets on my bed I go through Alastors Sinstagram. He likes wearing his signature red striped coat at all times. Fat nuggets rubs his face against my chest and I Pet him more.
"what does this man see in me?" i think softly to myself..

( I finally finished this chapter ! Its a bit shorter than the last ones but I'll try to write longer ones! I need more ideas istg- )
776 words!

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