18. { unexpected }

405 18 7

It's been so long. My apologies for the long ass wait. ✨
But, I wrote those other chapters when I was 12, and now I'm 14 and heading off to high school. So, my grammar and vocabulary should be better than before.

Enjoy xx


Liam's POV.

Niall was pissed. Black nostrils flared and wide, the puffs leaving his nose filling my ears and making my mind spin with confusion. His haunches were raised, snarling leaving his muzzle as he charged off to push Zayn out of the way.

I quickly stood up, leaning against the wall for support as I was pushed quinsy it pretty harshly. My eyes went wide as Niall and Zayn began to fight on the floor beside me. I wanted to help. I wanted to stop them, but I couldn't.

Yet, I tried anyway. I always went with my gut...and that's kind of the reason why I ended up staying with the vampire. Even if his skin was freezing cold and his eyes were soulless. There was something about him that made my heart flutter. And, that was a hard thing to do. Well, for me it was. It was very hard to please me.

I went over. They were still going at it and I couldn't do much of anything. I sighed and hesitantly went beside Niall, the growls and snarls leaving both of their mouths which made my head begin to hurt.

I had enough.

"Stop!" I called out, immediately they both stood still and looked to me like a deer caught in head lights.

I gave them both a stern look. "What the fuck do you two think you're doing?"!" I asked in a pissed tone, my accent deeply seeking through each of my words.

"Fighting each other won't resolve anything. It would just make more problems. I won't pick the strongest one, or the best one. I don't even think I can choose between you two anymore." I was letting a lot of things out.

It's been a while since I ranted. It felt nice to let out all of my stupid and annoying emotions out of my jail cell that I called my brain. I gave them both a sad, bizarre look.

Not really bizarre, but something by those words.

"You guys. I don't think I could do this anymore.." I was taken away from my life. I need to get back. To my job, my family, everyone. I need to get to my school.

My life isn't a fairy tale, this wasn't a story. This is real life. I can't spend it on boys. Nobody can.

// What am I saying? I spend my whole life on boys. Today I got in trouble because I had a few guys over...yeah. It's pretty sad. //

Zayn instantly stood up, giving me a sad look with those amazing hazel eyes. I softly groaned. No, he's not allowed to look at me like that. It's not right. I always get lost in them. It's not a good thing either.

"What are you saying, Liam?" He quietly asked in a soft tone, giving me the puppy look he knew I couldn't withstand.

I went over and gently hugged the bloke, nuzzling my face into his neck, "I...I can't do this anymore, Z.."

A small gasp left the vampire's lips, and I felt a wet nose touch my hand. It was Niall's. I sighed and gently scratched his nose with a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Ni." He gave out a small whimper.

They were both trying to make me feel bad. I could see it. Anyone could. Those three bitches even stopped and stared us three down. Yeah, I'm assuming Perrie is beginning to think of how she's going to swoon Zayn's heart or whatever.

I gave them both a sad smile. I kissed the tan vampire's cheek and the blonde werewolf's nose.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry.." I whispered and gently scratched behind Niall's ear.

He let out a small whimper, trying to make me feel bad with the those wide blue eyes and licking my hand. I softly chuckled and then stood up to meet Zayn's eyes.

"Can you take me home..?" I ask in a soft tone, noticing another pained look in his eyes.

He was sad and I could tell. I knew a lot of things about those two. They're tried to hurt me with their actions, but it wasn't really working.

Zayn hesitantly nodded, clenching his jaw in frustration and let out a small sigh.

I looked to Niall and lightly patted his head. "I want to walk with both of you. I want this to be settled down."

I probably sounded completely stupid, yet I couldn't take their conflict. Over me, it wasn't worth it.

I looked to the now broken home and let out another sigh. It was broken because of me, all of this was because of me. I don't want to be the reason for any of this.

I picked up my backpack and wiped my forehead. It was night fall, but it was pretty hot. I was sweating like man who just left the gym, or who just got caught jerking off in his bedroom. Both seemed pretty close.

I began to walk out, not even caring if they followed me. I don't know where I am, I don't know where I'm going, but I need to get back home to my life. Reality is just so,etching that would help me escape all of this.

I first heard the padding of soft paws, making my head turn around to see the wolf and the quiet vampire standing side by side. I softly chuckled and waited to walk in between them.

"Hey." I softly said, talking to them both with a small and adorable smile.

Zayn smiled back, and Niall finally decided to switch into his human form. Luckily, he wasn't naked. Then they both greeted me at the same time, which made them glare at each other and the vampire even snarled a little.

I groaned and shook my head. "Calm down, Z. All he did was say hi to me." I gave him a stern look, and he immediately stopped and looked to his feet.

"I don't want him near you.." Zayn grumbled, giving the blonde haired bloke beside me his icy stare.

"And I don't want Liam near you." Niall replied with a smug look.

You see what I'm trying to deal with? Two cocky assholes that think they're better than everyone.

How come I couldn't be stuck in a love triangle between a doctor and a model? No, I had to get two supernatural creature who completely hated each other. I sigh and smack both of them behind the head.

"Stop it, both of you," I hissed, " you two need to learn how to get along. Or I will never speak to you both again."

A small gasp left Zayn's lips and Niall let out a small whimper. Yeah, that shut them both up real quick.

"You two need to learn how to get along. Yes, I know your species are arch enemies and what not, but you don't always have to see it that way." I calmly spoke.

I could see the vampire calm down. All I could see Niall do was look down to the ground. I'm always going to wonder what is up with these two.

"I'm sure you'll get along somehow." I knew one day they won't fight or be constantly pissed towards each other. Their problems weren't even personal. They were just like that because of their history. And the werewolves and vampires have never quite gotten along.

But, I'm here to change that. Once and for all.

I looked up for a split second to see we were close to the city. I took my phone out of my pocket and noticed it was around midnight. Whoa. I groaned a little. My mum is going to kill me.

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