10. { new feelings }

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Liam's Pov

I have been missing Zayn for a while now, and I don't think I could keep this up any longer. I really really miss him. It's been really hard to stay here and not think about him. I've been hanging out with Luke and Ashton these few days. Niall has been gone this whole time, it's not like I care about him or anything...it's just Luke and Ashton have been worried about him. I hear them at night changing into there true from. Howling for him to come back home.

I really do think they're worried about him. They're naturally, a family, or a pack. I can surely tell they care about one another. I find it adorable that they do. Niall being the alpha, the leader, must be hurt since he hasn't came home. Which makes worries flash over me. I shouldn't be feeling like this. I shouldn't care for him, he kidnapped me for god sakes!

My thoughts where interrupted with a scratch and a howl at the door. Luke and Ashton quickly jump from the couch, sprinting to open the door. The thoughts in my head said it was Niall. Which my mind was right. It was Niall, beaten and bruised, with a purple mark one his leg and knee. It was turning white and was bleeding way too much for my liking. I was never good around blood, I have a weak stomach.

Luke scurries off to find the First-Aid Kit, while Ashton is soothing Niall with small soothing words to his ears. He looks up at me, eyes big and watery, like he's telling me to go comfort him. I can't stand his gaze, so I lean down and pet him. He leans into my touch, I almost co at him. What can I say? I love animals, even if this happens to be a werewolf, there's still wolf in that word.

He slowly gets up and changes into his human state, all while staring at me. Which I might admit, is very creepy. When he's back to his old self, he has a purple bruise on his leg, covering almost half of it. It's wa pretty bad, I've never seen a bruise that huge in my life. I can't believe he survived whatever attacked him. I won't be surprised if it was another wolf pack, not wanting an intruder entering their territory.

"Hey Niall," Luke started, " who did this to you?"

"The vampires attacks me in werewolf territory. I told them to never go looking for Liam, because they won't find him. Also, because I told them that Liam was in love with me. Isn't that right Liam?" Niall smirks, waiting for a reply. I just scowl at him, for being to rude and barbaric.

"I will never love you. You're a monster, a bigger one that Zayn. I don't even think anyone will love you, not even some hooker on the street!" Luke and Ashton couldn't contain their laughter, they we literally rolling on the floor laughing. Niall just stared at me with his mouth wide open.

"I think you should close your mouth, you'll catch flies." I smirk at him. Luke and Ashton just started laughing, while Niall just huffs and make himself get deeper in the couch.

"I think you need to learn your manners, Liam. You'll love me one day. I always get what I want." He growled at me, not really caring of what I just said.

"No one will ever love you, they'll had to be blind or deaf if they want to go anywhere near you." He just growls even louder. Out of nowhere, he turns into his wolf form, running straight for me. Just before impact, Luke transformed and blocked Niall from hitting me. PNE whimpered as he fell to the floor.

"Luke, Luke! Are you okay? Niall look at what you did!" I yelled frantically. It's all Niall's fault Luke is hurt, why would he do that?

"Why did you do that?!" Luke just whimpered at my voice level, so I pet him and he leaned into my touch, enjoying the attention.

"It's not my fault! He got in my path!" I just huffed really louldy and just shamed my head.

"That's why no one will ever love you, ever." He growled and run up to his room. Whatever mother fucker, go wallow in your bed. By the time I was going to pet Luke again, I saw that he changed back to human form.

"Are you alright Luke? Does it hurt?" He chuckles at me.

"I'm fine Liam, I would do anything to protect you." He looked at me with a weird emotion in his eyes.

Wait do I see love in his eyes?

"Thanks Luke, it means a lot."

"No problem Liam, I just wanted to make sure you where alright. So are you alright?" I just chuckle at him.

"Yea, I'm fine, because of you saving me."


So was it long? I think it is tbh.

I hope you like it! And do you like my new cover?

It took me forever to do it! But ily guys so yea.

Sorry if I made any errors and shit.




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