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This is extremely old— it is now March 18, 2020, and I'm in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic and sitting in quarantine.

Well, I did say I would continue this.. so.. take that past self. :3

I hope you enjoy my first long story ever published online! Still can't believe I have people reading it to this very day. ♡


(',,•ω•,,)♡ WARNING !!!

Okay, if you don't like boyxboy content, please leave this story immediately. It contains many male on male interactions, and some are worse than others. It's also on extreme editing!! Seriously. It's kinda sad.

Also, NSFW content will be included.

This is your only warning.


Liam Payne, your average 18 year old boy in living in Wolverhampton. There was nothing special about him, really. He was just the brown haired and brown eyed boy next door; with a delicate smile and calming laugh. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Though, his home life wasn't in the best realm at the moment.

He was thrown out of his home when he was around the age of 15. He had garnered a lot of courage and came out to his parents, but because they were very religious — they didn't take it very well. His parents were devastated, especially his father.

The man even proceeded to calm his own son a faggot...

And his mother, well, she began to cry. His father told him to go pack his items and to just.. leave. Without another word, Liam obeyed, not wanting to cause more despair and heartbreak to his amazing mother. He grabbed his belongings and left.


After that, Liam was alone. And at the time, also being discriminated at school for being the only open gay male in the entire student body. If that wasn't enough.. it also meant he didn't have anywhere to stay.

So, he had saved up and moved himself to the city of London. He knew it was a bit of a stretch with his current situation, but he had no where else to go.. and he was sure his parents had told almost everyone in the family of Liam's secret.. so he did not even bother with other family members.

He'd been alone for a few years now.. He was doing well thankfully. Stable enough income to continue school and work. He had this barista position that truly saved his life, and that wasn't too far from his studio apartment. Don't blame Liam, though, the manager thought a handsome face would bring in more customers. And it certainly did, as after Liam began working there, the amount of customers skyrocketed through the roof.

The only way to get to his job quickly enough is to walk past some dirty alleyways. Liam didn't like it, but if it made him on time to work; he would have to deal with it. { an // insert the glasses here}

One night, he was walking home from his casual late shift. As usual, he was walking past the nasty area of the alleys. They were dark, dim, dirty, and he occasionally heard soft moans or meaningless whimpers. Someone was getting it..and he really didn't need that before or after work. It was very cold out, which was quite normal— so he just wrapped his hoodie closer to his frame, as if it was going to make the sweater any warmer.. more then he would like to be, anyway.

All of a sudden, a loud screech was coming from an alleyway. And Liam — being Liam — went to check it out.. As he began walking, another loud scream — followed by a hiss — was heard. Now he was confused. What made that noise? Liam thought, his heart racing as he stepped closer to the loud and menacing sounds in the darkened alleyway.

He finally saw the girl being pinned up against the wall, while the stranger was purposely kissing along her neck.

"Hey, you let go of her!" He said to the man, and the stranger just looked back at Liam. Bright red meeting a calm brown. His stare made Liam feel vulnerable, but he shook off the uneasiness as quick as it came to be.

The stranger let go of the girl, and went to go get Liam in an instant. Liam dodged as best he could and ran to the girl, who seemed weakened and her skin was quite familiar to the white-ish color of the snow.

He went to inspect her neck, and saw two dog-like bites, pink and swollen on her skin. Liam audibly gasped, and just as he gets up; the stranger pins him against the cold, brick and possibly disgusting walls.

Liam seemed to have not been the best at paying attention as.. well.. the woman, thankfully, managed to get away!

He was internally grateful.

The tanned man starts to lick at Liam's neck, making it hard for the teen not to moan. After a while of being teased, the stranger pulls away; making the young teen whimper from the loss of contact. The weirdly strong male now looked into Liam's eyes, their gaze melting into a gentle mixture of a calming hazel and an undeniably innocent shade of brown..

It was a large difference, per say.

Liam and the stranger stayed like that for a while, then the creature's eyes suddenly turned red again. Which made Liam whimper once more; scared of what the vampire's indefinite possibilities..

"This is gonna be Unforgettable."

Liam will never forget that day, ever.

holy shit this is old..
Edited : 11/23/2020

 unforgettable. || ziam au || boyxboy {discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now