7. { same mistakes }

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omf thanks ily

-Marcy {:

Zayn's Pov { a suprise hueheheh }

"Ugh Zayn..." Liam moaned my name which made me grow even harder. They way he said it made me have shivers go down my spine.

I start attacking him with kisses on his neck, finding his sweet spot and making him groan with pleasure. I keep sucking on his spot until he moans really loudly, making me growl. I left from kissing and saw the purple bruise I left him.

"You're mine now....all mine." I growl into his ear, he just nods in response.

"I-I-I l-love you Zayn."

"I love you too sleeping beauty."

"Ah!" What the fuck was that? I don't like Liam, well I do just a little but not that serious! I can't be having wet dreams about him when he's right next to me! I need to control it, but I don't think I can.

"Morning to you Zayn, what happened? He asked me his voice filled with worry.

" 'm fine Liam, just a bad dream." I tell him, I had to lie. I couldn't just come out and say 'I had a wet dream about you!' No I can't do that.

"Alright, let makes breakfast yeah?" He asks and I just nod in reply. I get up and dress in some basketball shorts and a black tank. While Liam just wears ballet shorts. I can't stop staring at his six pack. Oh what I would to that- OH MY GOD ZAYN STOP, YOU CAN'T THINK LIKE THAT.

Not after he happened.

But that's for later in the story.

Me and Li go downstairs, to find Larry on the couch. Larry is the name me and Liam made up, pretty cute huh? I let them be. When we went to the kitchen, Liam said we should just make some pancakes. So that's what we did. They tasted absolutely amazing. I loved them, not just because Liam made them, because it's delicious!

Larry woke up and came into the kitchen, still sleepy. Liam went outside to take a call, he took so long I went to get him inside. But when I went outside, he was gone.

"HARRY, LOUIS COME HERE!" They both come running out of the house. Worry on both of their faces.

"What happened Zayn?" Harry asked me.

I'm almost sobbed,

"Harry, Liam is gone!"



There you go!

Sorry for the beginning, that was shit.

Sorry if I made and errors and shit!




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