15. { not in the mood }

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Liam's POV

We're on our way back to Zayn's flat, me carrying a really heavy Ashton. Him still being unconscious, he drooled on my arm a bit, which made me get the shivers to the point where I got goosebumps. I've missed Zayn, you have no idea how much. I can't believe he would just forgive me like that also, it's kinda overwhelming. I thought he was going to lash out at any moment when I got near him. I'm just glad I have Zayn back.

"He feels the same way mate." I jump back a bit, startled by Harry's voice. He knows I'm not used to someone reading my thoughts, I bet he does this on purpose.

"Sorry, it's just, your face is priceless, haha." I roll my eyes, he's so immature. Just like his boyfriend, no wonder they're perfect for each other. I envy them so much, they're really perfect, while I'm always messing things up. Maybe my bullies were right, maybe I am a fuck up, a worthless waste of space. I feel my eyes getting watery, not now, please not in front of everyone.

Zayn looks back at me, seeing my vulnerable state, he grabs Ashton from my grasp. Making him tumble a bit because of Ashton's massive weight. My arms start hurting a bit, they must've been asleep, the tingles through my arms give me the shivers. I groan internally, well I think I did because everyone looked back at me. I feel my face heat up ,making the floor the most interesting thing in the world right now.

"Liam," Zayn starts," are you alright?" He stares at me with worry, I just shrug and mumble,"I'm fine, don't worry." He goes back to the front of the group, running at vampire speed. While the other creatures join in, me being human, I can't keep up. I asked Luke if I could ride on his back, him being the good friend he is, agreed. I hopped on, pulling on his fur a bit, he whimpers. I sooth him by petting his ears. He growls and starts to run.


"Zayn, can I talk to you?" I ask him timidly, afraid of what he will say to my question.

"Um, yeah sure." He comes closer, making me more nervous.

"What's up?"

"Zayn, are you mad at me? Answer me truthfully." He turns a bit pale, even more hence the fact that he's a vampire.

He opens his mouth, then closes it. As if he's trying to say something.

"No Liam, I'm not mad at you. Why would you think that?" He tilts his head to the side, and makes his eyes get really big. Making him look like a puppy. I can't take much more of this.

I cry into Zayn's shirt, not trusting my voice at all. He mumbles nice, cute words into my ears. And strokes my cheek, wiping off the salty tears.

"Love, why are you crying?" He asks, as gently as he could. Making me want to cry a bit more.

"I-I messed up Zee, I messed up big time." I sigh and look down at the floor. As if it was the most interesting thing in to world. He sighs loudly and comes closer to me, and brings up my head with his finger.

"You didn't mess up, you were just very vulnerable at the moment. You needed comfort. I understand, I could feel the vibe from you." He smiles gently and kisses right next to my mouth. I turn a bit red, and smile at him.

"Are you going to hurt Niall?" I ask timidly, feeling very small at the moment.

He looks away, making me feel a big scared. He looks back up at me, transformed into his true self. Red eyes and longer fangs, his skin more flawless then ever.

"No, at least. Not yet."


No Ones POV

While Zayn and Liam return back to the family room, Ashton has awaken from his unfortunate slumber. Him feeling confused by the scenery he was awoken by. He looks over to Luke and runs over to him, knowing Luke will give him more comfort during this time of weirdness.

Back in to woods, Niall was still lying on the ground. Wondering how he got there. He pulls himself up and dusts him self off. Feeling a bruise on his back. He smells the air, knowing a battle of dominance was taken place here. He growls, getting frustrated and follows his mates scent. Knowing his mate was with Zayn.

Niall growls louder, his own pack mates. Abandoned him to be with the rivals! He turns into his true form, destroying everything in his path. He removes 10 trees, 4 deer, 7 rabbits, and over 100 flowers. Niall was enraged, full blown mad. He'll rip the shit out of Zayn, he declaresin his thoughts.

Liam senses something bad is going to happen, so does Louis. Harry feels Louis tense, he asks him what's wrong.

"Niall, he's coming."

All of a sudden, and enraged Niall comes bursting through the dork and goes straight to Zayn.


Hey gurl hey!

Sorry I haven't updated in a while








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