Dec. 4 - Getting a Christmas Tree

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Mango held the steering wheel as he turned left on the road, entering the local Christmas Tree Farm.

"Here we are!" Mango announced, quickly glancing back at everyone seated behind him. Everybody cheered and Red rolled down the window, sticking his head out. "Guys, guess what? I can see all the evergreen trees from here!"

Mango pulled up into the parking lot, and once everybody was bundled up, they hopped out of the car. They walked over the crunchy frozen-dew covered grass and set out to find the perfect tree.

"Yellow come on! I think I see some beautiful Spruce trees over there!!" Blue gestured to Yellow and they ran off to one of the sections of trees.

Mango sat down on a bench near the parking lot, then waved off the rest of the stick figures waiting for him. "You guys can go find a tree! I can pay for it once you choose one." He smiled at them before they sprinted toward the direction of Blue and Yellow.

"GUYS!!! Wait for me!!" TSC shouted after them, jogging slightly behind. "Okay, okay!" Blue and Yellow slowed down as Red, TSC, Green, and Purple caught up with them.

They all wandered around, trying to find the best tree.

It couldn't be too big or it wouldn't fit through the front door.

It also couldn't be too small or the decorations wouldn't fit.

It had to be just right.

But it also had to look nice.

Green strolled around, and stumbled upon a particularly gorgeous looking Pine tree. "Well look at you, handsome~" he whispered to the tree, caressing its pine needles. 

Purple came over a moment later, "Did you find the right tree? This one seems nice." Purple plucked a pine cone from its branches, and fidgeted with it in his hands.

"That's exactly what I was thinking! But first, I need to convince Blue and Yellow the same thing," Green replied. He went over to Blue and Yellow, who were inspecting a fir tree.

"Blue, Yellow! Come over here! I think I found just the right tree!!" Green rushed back over to Purple, with Blue and Yellow trailing closely behind him.

"Ta-da!!!" Green spread his arms out, full on jazz hands, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"Hmm, I gotta admit. That does seem like a pretty good tree," Blue confessed, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"But I think I've found a better one," Yellow called. He had wandered away from Green and Blue and had discovered another spruce tree. 

"Look at it! It's beautiful and it's healthy, and just the right size to fit through the door," Yellow beamed, brandishing its size like an advertiser. 

Green, Blue, and Purple strolled over to the tree. Green shook his head, sighing dramatically. "Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Pine trees are the perfect fit for Christmas Trees. Spruce trees are nice and all, but we all know that Pine trees are the best option."

Yellow stared daggers at Green. "Well if you think that those kinds of trees are the best option, then you're obviously blind."

Blue stepped between Yellow and Green, "Guys, why don't we just flip a coin to decide which one we choose? Actually- we didn't even ask if TSC and Red had found a better tree!" Blue realized.

All of them started walking around to find the two, and soon, they found Red and TSC by another Pine tree. It was also, of the perfect size.

"Hi guys!!" Red waved as Blue and the others came over. "Hey Red! Did you guys find a good tree yet?" Blue asked Red, peering over his shoulder. "Actually, yeah! We did. See?"

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