Dec. 22 - Cookies

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hmmm, should I start countdown?

yes I think I shall :)

2 more days until Christmas :DD

(imagine writing for 22 days straight with no break.. lol)

now onto the story!

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Shuffling around, Blue was able to find the ingredients for the perfect cookies.

Okay, where's the vanilla extract? he thought to himself as he looked through one of the lower cabinets.

"Ah-ha!!" he dragged it down from the top shelves and placed it next to the other ingredients he had gathered.

Yellow came in, rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, g'morning," Yellow yawned, setting up a coffee for himself.

He was about to pour the coffee grounds into the coffee machine when he realized that nothing was pouring out.

"T-there's no coffee left!!" Yellow exclaimed in disbelief.

Blue went over and opened up the cabinet below, trying to find some extra.

He tried searching for some but came up with nothing.

"Sorry to break to break it to you Yellow... but I don't think there's any more coffee left," Blue said, closing the cabinet doors.

"What?! What else am I going to drink now?"

"Water! Don't worry, you'll survive. I'm already addicted to it so I think you're good," Green replied, coming down from the attic.

Yellow glanced up.

"Also I'm pretty sure you've drank at least 1 cup of coffee since we came here," Green said thoughtfully.

He looked over at Blue.

"Oooh, whatcha making?"

"Cookies. Want to help?" Blue gestured over to the ingredients laid out on the table and Green walked over, inspecting the items.

 "Are you making sugar cookies?" Green asked, looking over at Blue.

"Yup!" Blue answered, preparing a cup of tea.

"We basically make those every single year, Blue! Why don't we try to make something else?" Green suggested, sweeping the ingredients to the side and making more room in the middle.

Blue considered it for a moment.

"Sure! I saw a recipe on how to make some awesome snickerdoodle cookies." Blue nudged Yellow's shoulder.

"Saw it in that awesome cookbook you got me yesterday. Thanks!"

Yellow shrugged nonchalantly, smiling.

"No problem! It was nothing, really," Yellow replied. Blue got the unsalted butter and eggs from the refrigerator (HELP– why did it take so long to spell out this word ;-;) while Green got the cinnamon.

TSC came into the kitchen, blinking slowly.

His gaze slipped over to the ingredients and his eyes lit up. "Are you guys making cookies? I want to help!!" he said brightly.

He got one a large metal bowl and plopped the two sticks of butter inside the bowl along with the sugar. Blue just stared at him.

"TSC.. you put 2 cups of sugar in there... you're supposed to put 1 1/2 cups."

TSC's sleepy eyes bored into Blue's, then brightened as he realized.

"Oh my gosh! I didn't realize. Sorry..." TSC trailed off, trying to dump the sugar out. Blue gave him an amused smile. "Don't worry about it! I've probably made mistakes way worse than this when I was first baking. I can even try to eyeball how much sugar needs to be removed!"

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