Dec. 16 - Secret Santa

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Red burst into the living room, everybody looking up.

"GUYS!! I have a really great idea!" he said, dropping a hat and few pieces of paper onto the wooden table.

"Hey, that's my line," Yellow smirked, "But go on."

"So, I think we should do a Secret Santa!" Red continued, "Like the ones in the TV shows!"

"A secret Santa," Blue echoed. "What's that? Oh wait- is it like-"

"How do you not know what a secret Santa is? Have you been living under a rock?!" Green exclaimed with disbelief.

Blue looked at him with an amused expression. "We live in the same house," he said.

"Anyways," Red said, writing everybody's names onto the pieces of papers and folding it up. "All you have to do is pull a name from the hat, and then get a gift for them!" he explained.

"But the most important part is that you don't tell the person; it's basically like a surprise."

Blue nodded as Red finished writing down all the names. He placed all the names inside the hat and went over to TSC.

"Don't tell anyone," Red whispered to him as TSC looked up at the ceiling, rummaging his hand through the hat.

Once TSC got a hold of a piece of paper, he shifted so that nobody could see who he got. He unfolded the piece of paper, looking at Red's sprawled handwriting.    


He tried containing a smile as he stuffed the paper into his pocket. Red went over to Yellow who covered his eyes as he searched through the hat. A moment later, he pulled out a piece of paper as well, unfolding it.


Yellow shoved the paper into his pocket, obviously trying to hold back a smile but was failing fantastically.

Red moved onto Green, who dragged out a piece of paper the moment he felt one. His eyes darted around the words as he registered who he had gotten.


Green looked mischievously at Yellow. Yellow sensed Green looking at him and glanced at him with a confuzzled expression. Next, Red went over to Blue who covered his eyes with his hands as he dug around the hat.

He grabbed onto a piece of paper, flattening it out.


Blue held onto the paper since he didn't have any pockets, hiding a smile. A second later, Purple pulled out a piece of paper too, eagerly reading what it said.


Purple crumpled up his piece of paper, knowing that he wouldn't forget who he had to get a gift for. He tossed it into the fire nonchalantly, the ashes rising.

Red found the last piece of paper and opened it up happily. He looked over at his own handwriting.


"Soo, should we start shopping tomorrow?" TSC asked.

Red thought for a bit before saying, "Yeah! Me and you can go tomorrow. Then Yellow and Blue can go the day after tomorrow, and then Green and Purple."

He looked over at everybody.

TSC put his arms on his head, "Hmm, okay. I guess it's settled then."

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484 words <33

I WOULD'VE FINISHED THIS EARLIER but I had a dentist appointment and then had ice skating for 4 hours .-.

then my dad got lost when he was driving me and my twin home and that took an extra 20 minutes (so 40 minutes total) :/

fun fact: I actually pulled names out of a hat for this

hope you have a good day! ^^

(started + finished Saturday dec. 16)

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