Dec. 5 - Shopping || pt. 2

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TW I guess: There's one swear in this book

Green's POV:

Green bobbed his head along with the music as he checked out the items he got for Red and TSC, smiling to himself. A Pikachu hat that had ears that could move up and down for Red, and a sleeping mask that said "bitch I'm sleeping" for TSC! [I saw this idea on Pinterest but I'm not sure who made it] He put the two items into his canvas tote bag before leaving the store, humming Jingle Bell Rock to himself.

Green looked around for a bit, still bobbing his head, before heading into a target to find something for Yellow.

He decided that a mug would be the best since he was always drinking so much coffee in the morning. But it didn't have to be, just a mug, it had to be the perfect fit, just like what he got for TSC and Red!

"Hmm, all of these seem so boring," Green muttered to himself, frowning. Yellow was definitely the opposite of boring.

Green wandered around some more, trying to find the perfect mug, when he saw it.

The mug was pastel yellow, and in dark brown, the words "#1 engineer" was written in bold. What? This has to be a coincidence.

Green was astonished.

It's literally perfect!! Yellow's an engineer and he's great at it.

Green put the mug inside the shopping basket and checked out, brushing by a violet stickfigure and moving onto Lavender's Cooking Shop. He stepped through the doors and strolled around to find something for Blue. A cool cooking gadget would be nice.. Green thought, passing another aisle.

Just as he reached the end of the shop, he found a chicken egg separator and a penguin egg holder. Green wiped sweat off his brow, This is such a hard decision, which one do I choose?!

He weighed the options, and with a final swoop, he decided on the chicken egg separator. Phew, that was hard, Green thought.

Once checking out, he moved onto the music store, where he already had the best gift in mind for Purple.

An otamatone!!

Green searched for a few moments before seeing a derpy purple face out of the corner of his eyes. Heheh, that is beautiful, he grinned, shoving its derpy face into his bag.

As he exited, he saw Red entering the store as well. He glanced right, heading over to the elevator, when he saw Yellow leaving a clothes shop.

"Yellow!" he called out, dashing over to him. "YELLOW!!!"

Fortunately, Yellow turned around and stopped. Green caught up with him, gasping for air.

"Hey Green," Yellow said as they strolled to the elevator, "Finished getting all of the gifts?" Yellow glanced at the elevator as Green pushed the button to go down. "Yeah," he replied.

Green allowed Yellow to go into the elevator before heading inside himself, "Hopefully we're not the last ones to finish," he tried to joke.

Before long, they reached the first floor, and they settled down on the chairs. Red came down on the same elevator a moment later, saying, "Wow. How did you guys get here so fast?"

Green replied, a smirk on his face. "Skill."

    ° ° °

Blue's POV:

Blue held onto his bag, trying to find something for TSC. He had already gotten some cute bunny earmuffs for Red, and now he was trying to figure out what to get TSC.

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