Dec. 18 - Shopping (Yellow & Blue)

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just remember:

blue's getting a gift for green

yellow is getting a gift for blue :3

Blue's POV: 

"Umm, excuse me? Sir? Do you know where the more.. unique instruments are?" Blue tried asking the staff member, but it seemed to him that the staff hadn't heard him.

"Umm, sir? SIR?" Blue asked more loudly, and finally he turned around, looking annoyed.

"What?" the staff member asked him, visibly irritated.

Blue fidgeted with his zipper. "Do you know where the unique instruments are?"

"It's in the back section," he answered simply, pointing to the back of the store.

"Thank you!"

Blue rushed over to the end of the store, then paused. He looked up at the instruments he had never even seen before.

An ocarina? Never heard of that before... he thought, inspecting an oval shaped instrument with different sized holes in it.

There seemed to be all sorts of variations! Teal colored ones, 

He stopped, trying to figure out how a stylophone worked. How have I never heard of these instruments before? I bet Green has..

He wandered around, still in awe of what was in front of him.

What would Green like? Obviously something that's new to him, I bet he's already heard of most of the things in this store, Blue thought, smiling.

He came across a... kalimba? Was that what it was called? And plucked one of the metal keys. The sound was sharp at first, then echoed away in what seemed to be no time at all.

"That's so cool!" Blue whispered to himself. 

Looking down the rack, he saw wooden and glass kalimbas, each with the same metal keys. He went over and tested out a few of the notes, then decided that he should probably be trying to find the perfect one.

Would Green like a glass or wooden kalimba? Blue asked himself, picking up a glass kalimba in one hand and wooden one in the other.

He debated for a moment before deciding that a wooden one would probably be for the best.

The wooden one would probably be harder to break since glass is more brittle anyway.

Blue entered the check out line, then found himself staring at the ice cubes gum. He checked his wallet.

Do I even have enough money..? Oh my god, I think I do!! Blue stopped himself from going giddy, and gently picked up the container.

I should probably give some to Yellow, he thought as he gave the two items to the cashier.

"Thank you! Have a nice day." He waved to the cashier as he left the store.

As he left, he saw Yellow stepping into the elevator to go down to the first floor. He pressed the button to go down.

"Yellow, wait! WAIT!! Hold the elevator!"

Yellow turned around just in time to press the button to open the door. He jammed it a few times before it actually started to open back up again.

"Yellow, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Blue joked, joining him inside the elevator.

"Look, the elevator doors weren't closing!" Yellow replied a bit indignantly.

"I know, I'm just jokin' (i'M jUsT pLayiN')" Blue said.

"D'you get all your things?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Yup!" Yellow replied, a little too quickly.

The elevator doors opened up and they stepped out onto the glossy mall floors. Yellow tugged his mittens on.

"I can't believe there's only 7 more days until Christmas!" he exclaimed, looking over at Blue.

Blue nodded. "I know right? I feel like it just became December."

"Not to mention that it means that 2024 is in 2 weeks!" Yellow put his hands in the air, "That's carzy!!"

Blue chuckled, "Yeah that is a little carzy."

    ° ° °

574 words <33

okay but can you believe that 2024 is in 2 weeks .-.

that's carzy

(started + finished Sunday dec. 17)

note to self: edit this chapter later - better quality

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