Dec. 15 - Visiting Alan

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TSC hopped out of the nether portal and onto the desktop floor. He waved up at cursor.

[Hey Alan! How's life?]

Alan's cursor hovered closer to TSC as his other friends jumped out of the nether portal too. He opened up Adobe Animate.

[it's been great! how's the visit with mango and purple going?]

[They showed us a bunch of stuff in Stickcity. They even brought us ice skating!]

[wow, sounds like you had a lot of fun :)]

[Yeah, we also drank a lot of hot chocolate.]

Alan chuckled. [don't drink too much!]

TSC laughed as he and his friends walked over to the stick fights website.

Home sweet home :)

Green fell onto the giant pouffy bean bag, leaning back.

"It's so great to be back! I don't even feel like I'm going to turn into a popsicle the moment I step outside," Green said, putting his arms behind his head.

"I know right? And you don't feel like you're going to get frostbite if you forgot to put your gloves on!" Red added, plopping down onto a chair. The group relaxed for a bit before Alan pulled up a tab for Solitaire.

[wanna play?]

The mouse glided over to the group, and everybody sprang back up, sprinting to the tab.

"Yes! I'm so good at this game," Yellow said, already pulling a few cards from the deck. The CG hopped into action as Alan moved a red queen to a black king. Soon, they had gotten all the aces and the only one they needed was a black clover.

"Ughh!! It's probably in that pile somewhere," Green said, motioning to the tallest stack of cards.

"Yeah, all we have to do is get rid of the ones that are on top!" Red exclaimed.

"How are you so optimistic all the time?" TSC asked, nudging Red in the shoulder, giving him a small chuckle.

"Remember, the cup is always half full; not half empty," Red quoted in what was supposed to be a wise voice.

"Guys, I don't care about cups being half full or not, we're about to win!!" Yellow beamed, moving another card. He looked up as the last few decks became finished, the cards rolling out.

"Uhhh-" Yellow started before Blue pulled him out of the way. The decks of cards multiplied and sprang toward the group.

"RUUUNNN!!!!!" Red yelled as he frantically sprinted to another tab. Yellow and Blue climbed onto the sides of the computer, watching as the others darted around.

Red hauled himself up onto the solid white bar, collapsing onto the ground.

"Whoo!! I thought I was going to die for a second.." he said, his feet dangling off the edge. He looked down, more of the cards disappearing off the screen like an avalanche. It didn't seem like it was going to end!

"Hey wait a second... where's TSC and Green?" Yellow realized, Blue's face turning into a face of horror.

"We left them down there!" Blue exclaimed, standing up and pacing.

"Don't worry Blue, I bet they won't die because of solitaire cards."

"Yeah, but what if- what if-"

Alan's cursor sped up into the sky, TSC and Green sitting atop it.

Green waved. "Hey guys!"

Red waved back, "We thought you guys died for a second!" he said.

"Oh, don't worry! We're way more resourceful than that," TSC said, hopping down next to Red, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, we knew that," Yellow replied, looking at Blue's relieved face.

Alan opened up Adobe Animate so that he could talk to them.

[wow, you guys beat Solitaire in 4 minutes! well done!]

TSC patted the cursor.

[Thanks! It was all Yellow though.] TSC looked over at Yellow who was trying to avoid eye contact.

The cursor hovered over the Solitaire tab, before drifting back to Adobe Animate again.

[hey guys, want to play another round?]

    ° ° °

607 words <33

exactly 10 more days until Christmas!!! :DD

also the concert actually went really well, I think we played pretty good!

though I'm still nervous because it was on camera the whole time :P

(started + finished on Friday dec. 15)

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