Dec. 11 - Ice Skating

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Blue trudged up the snowy slope, following behind his friends.

He was grabbing a pair of skates in one hand, and grabbing a bag of stuff in the other. It held soft guards, hand warmers, a small water bottle, and, of course, a packet of nether wart.

Mmmmm, nether wart, Blue thought to himself, smiling.

"Oh no, Blue's got that look again. Thinking about nether wart," Yellow teased. "Hey! It's not even that bad! I don't understand why you guys don't like it," Blue responded. "It even tastes good on pizza."

"It tastes even worse on pizza. I think there's something wrong with your taste buds," Green suggested from the front.

The CG sat down on a pair of wooden benches that were connected to a table, while Purple and Mango–who had already gotten their skates on– started taking their hard guards off. (if you don't know what hard guards are, I suggest you search it on google ^^)

Blue and the others started tying their skates, and soon, they were taking off their hard guards as well. Blue walked confidently over to the frozen lake, then stopped as he reached the border.

Green came up next to Blue, taking a wobbly step onto the ice.

"Umm... uhh, Purple? How are you supposed to do this?" Green looked over at Purple who was stroking gracefully around the lake.

The ice was intimidating to say the least.

Purple held onto Green's hand (you can take this as shipping or not :P -it's up to you) guiding them both across the ice. Yellow hopped onto the ice, a spring in his step. "Whooo!! I haven't been on the ice since that one time I enchanted those boots in Minecraft!!" He grinned at Blue who was struggling to keep upright.

"Need help?" he asked him, taking Blue's hands into his. "Just try to keep your balance, alright? That's the most important part so that you can do the cool stuff later," Yellow explained.

Blue looked over at Purple and Green. Purple was telling Green to march.. so Blue decided to start doing that too.

"Ooh, you're starting to get the hang of it!" Yellow exclaimed happily, releasing Blue's hands from his own.

"Y-Yellow! Why'd you do that..." Blue trailed off as he realized that he was moving on the ice. Without help.

"Yellow!!! Look! I'm doing it!" He tried stroking for a bit. He wasn't even falling! TSC dashed by Yellow and Blue, his scarf swirling behind him.

"Slow-pokes," he teased, turning backward to look at them.

"Oh I'll show you slow!" Yellow said, racing in front of him. 

They both got to the end of the lake, Yellow being an inch faster than TSC. (btw I used the wheel of names to pick the winner :>)

"Ha-ha," Yellow said to TSC's face. "Guess who's the slow one now?"

TSC crossed his arms, "You cheater! You started before me."

"Oh really? Rematch?" Yellow gave him a sly smirk, holding out his hand.

"Fine," TSC agreed. They shook hands.

"Ready?" asked Yellow.

"I've been ready since I was born," TSC responded.

"You weren't born. You were drawn," Yellow corrected.

"Oh same thing." TSC grinned.

They took off to the side of the lake that they started on, the specks of purple, orange (MT), green, red, and blue starting to get closer and closer.

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