Dec. 13 - Visiting

71 3 0

TW: Mild Swearing (only once)

TCO pressed the on button, triggering the coffee to trickle down into the white mug. It was quite soothing actually– just him and the soft snow that cascaded slowly onto the ground.

Actually, it was soothing, until he heard somebody knocking on the door. Now grumpy, he strode over and creaked the door open, peering out. He was met with an orange stick figure.

"What the fuck are you doing out here so early," TCO squinted at him.

"It was nice seeing you too," TSC replied, opening the door.

TSC let himself in, plopping down multiple boxes on the wooden table.

TCO eyed the boxes suspiciously. "What's that?"

"Those are gifts, ya silly goose! What else could they be?" TSC asked, settling himself down on the couch. He patted the seat next to him, and TCO sat down beside him.

TSC shoved a gift into TCO's arms. It was green, with a bright red lace that wrapped around. TSC looked at him expectantly, "Open it!" he urged.

TCO delicately unraveled the lace from the box, sliding the top off. The inside held... headphones?

"What are these for?" TCO asked incredulously.

"You listen music with them!"

"No, I mean, why do I need them," TCO clarified.

TSC thought for a second before answering.

"Well, whenever you feel like you need to relax, listening music always helps," TSC passed his warm gaze over him, then started to beam.

"You can even play your favorite song with it!"

"I don't... have a favorite song," TCO said.

TSC shook off his disbelief, looking at his watch. 

"Oh sorry, I gotta go," TSC said hastily, "I'm on a tight schedule. I'll see you around!" He got up, waving at TCO (who didn't wave back) and swung the door open, letting a breeze of cold air slip inside.

TCO inspected the headphones some more before deciding to go back to his room.

He opened up his computer, choosing the best song he could find. He plugged the cord in, put on his headphones, and started the music.

TCO leaned back on his chair, surprised that the music had once again, made this day relaxing.

    ° ° °

343 words <33

when I made this book, I was intending each chapter to be this long .-. (I think I got carried away every single time though)

tomorrow's chapter might also be pretty short, but it's also going to be a half day, so we'll see! :)

I have a school concert tomorrow, so hopefully that goes to plan too! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧

(started Tuesday dec. 12 || finished Wednesday dec. 13)

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