Keke meets ghost splinter

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*the next day*  *6:50am*

Keanna's POV

*Keanna woke up and turns to see her turtle in blue asleep next to her she smiled and kissed him on the forehead and got out of bed. As Keke got out of the room she thought to herself that everyone in lair is nothing but nice to her expect for a few crazy moments here and there but she wanna to do something in return*

Keanna: *thinks to herself* what should i do? everyone has been friendly to me with the Raph, Donnie, Mikey, April, Shini, and Karai treated me like a little sister they never had, Casey even he drives me crazy with him flirting with me to mess with Leo we're still on friendly terms, Renet we are best friends i said that because we are kinda clumsily more often than not, and there's Leo and i don't even know where to begin first off he is seriously handsome for a turtle, second he treats me like a princess, third i'm really shocked that he doesn't see me as immature, and lastly he's just the best boyfriend ever. *thinks* oh i know i should cook breakfast for everyone since Mikey has been cooking for (i don't know how long) maybe i should take over for once not only to give Mikey a break but to thank everybody for having me in their lives Leonardo especially. *goes in the kitchen and starts cooking*

*later at 7:50am*

Leo's POV

*Leo stirs in his sleep and then he realizes that Keke isn't next to him, he figure that she went home but he got out of his room to see where Keanna went*

Leo: *thinks to himself* i smell bacon, What's going on in the kitchen *walks in the kitchen to see his princess wiping the sweat off her face and a lot of foil pans, leans on the doorframe* morning beautiful, what's going on in here?

Keanna: morning handsome, i just finished making breakfast

Leo: *looks surprised* you didn't tell me that you can cook, that and does Mikey usually makes breakfast?

Keanna: i can cook and why did i hid this? i don't know

Leo: i'm just shocked you hid this from me

Keanna: that, and I'm giving Mikey a breaking from cooking for once and all of y'all have been nice to me an i wanted to do something about it

Leo: aww *pulls her by the waist and kisses her lips for 10 seconds and pulls away*

No one's POV

*2 mins later*

*everyone else wakes up from the mixed smells coming from the kitchen, as everyone walks in the kitchen they sees a lot of foil pans that consistence of bacon, eggs, biscuits, breakfast sausage, cinnamon rolls, crepes, french toast, pancakes, toast, and waffles.*

Raph: what's going on here?

Leo: Keanna made breakfast

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