Dare 11 & 12 and Ask 17

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*the next morning* *at 7:15am*

* it was morning and Leo, Donnie, and Mikey woke up kiss their girls on the cheek then got out of the rooms*

Raph: are you guys ready? Casey is the camera rolling?

Casey: yep it's on

Leo, Donnie, and Mikey: *put their human watches on and took their shirts off* let's do this

Casey: whoa you guys are ripped i bet the girls would like this and we'll give the girls a few more minutes of sleep

*10 minutes later*

Raph: *grab's Donnie's megaphone* GIRLS WAKE UP

April: we are already awake

Raph: sorry but in any case your mans are making you breakfast

Renet: oh really?

Raph: yes

Girls: *got downstairs*

Keanna: *sees Casey with T phone on camera mode* why you're shooting a video?

Casey: girls look at your mans

*just as Casey said that the girls looked to the right to see their boyfriends in their human forms but they are shirtless and sweating making pancakes then the girls faces start to heat up so much as the boys turn to look at them*

Keanna: WHAT THE HECK!!!!! *covers her eyes*

Renet: what is going on?!?!?

April: why!?!?

Casey: *holding the camera laughing*

Mikey: you girls came just in time

Renet: i need to wash my face *runs upstairs in embarrassment*

April: me too *runs along*

Keanna: me three *runs along too*

Leo: well that escalated quickly

*5 minutes later*

*when the turtles are done making the pancakes they saw their girls coming downstairs still blushing*

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