dare 9 (what happened to Leo!?!?)

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*the next day* *at 8:30am*

Keanna POV

*Keke was in the lair in Leo's room sleeping she was peacefully sleeping until she heard screaming from outside the room*

Donnie: OH MY GOD

Keanna: *wakes up and runs out the bedroom and into the living room* hey what's going on here?

April: Mikey has pranked Raph again then he started chasing Mikey into Donnie's lab Leo try you stop them but some chemical got on Leo's face and......

Keanna: did his face got burned?

April: no but look in the lab and see for yourself

*In the lab*

*as Keanna walked in the lab and had a shocked and awed look on her face*

Keanna: WHAT THE HECK!?!?!!?

Donnie: *holds Leo who is a baby* yep he's a baby

Keanna: aww he looks so cute up close than in the photo

Casey: what do you mean than in the photo?

Keanna: I'm not sure if you were in the lair but um...

*Flashback* *from 2 weeks ago*

 Karai POV

*in the Dojo*

*In the dojo Karai was looking at a photo album of her turtle brothers when they were babies and little kids she thought they were so adorable this make the turtles blush like crazy, until April, Renet, Mona, and Keanna walk the lair and into the dojo*

Keanna: what's up everybody

Karai:  hey girls come look at this

Turtles: *groans* Karai why!?!?!?!?

April, Renet, Mona, & Keanna: *looks at the photo album* aawww

Mona: aww Raph you're so adorable

Raph: *blushes*

April: Donnie you're a precious genius

Donnie: *blushes and chuckles*

Renet: aww you're so endearing i love the freckles *kisses his cheeks*

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