ask 21 (bad news) (what happened to Keke, Casey, April, Renet, and Shini)

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(question doesn't come until later)

*the next day* *at 11:45am*

*in the lair*

*it was a lazy day at the lair Donnie is in his lab, while Leo, Mikey, and Raph play video games until Keanna, Casey, April, Renet, Karai, Shini, and Shingo walked in*

Casey: yo yo yo everybody

Mikey: aww you got Shingo with you *gets Shingo from Shini and sees him laughing* 

Leo: aww he's in a good mood today *holds Shingo*

Keanna: *hears Donnie's crash* what's going on in there

Mikey: Donnie is everything okay in there? *opens the door*

Donnie: oh no Mikey don't open the door girls and Casey watch out

April: watch out for what?

Keanna: *sees a bottle flying out the lab* aww shoot

*just then the bottle came crashed on the floor and liquid splash on their head and lower back, at first nothing happened but then their heads and backs start to hurt and that's when they start growing animal ears from the top of their heads with Shini having cat ears and tail, Casey having wolf ears and tail, April having red fox ears and tail, Renet having bunny ears and tail, and Keke having bear ears and a puffy tail*

(i will show pictures of them each on the next page)

Donnie: are you guys o- HOLY CHALUPA look at you guys

Mikey: oh snap we have a cat, a wolf, a red fox, a bunny, and a.. what are you flour girl?

Keanna: hold up *pulls out her phone* *shrieks* I'm a bear i know the ears anywhere

Donnie: i need to check on y'all 

(for those who don't have or not familiar with gacha may not get it, and again i will show pictures on the next page)


*15 minutes later*

Donnie: i have good news and bad news

Renet: start with the good

Donnie: good news is y'all are perfectly healthy and no side effects

Casey: what's the bad news?

Donnie: Unfortunately the features you have are Permanent, but on the plus side y'all are cute

Shingo: *crawls on the floor giggles as he trying to get Shini's tail*

Karai: *chuckles* looks like someone likes their forms *hears phones ringing*

Keanna: *answers* hello *hangs up* robots stay out of my phone

(now for the question)

Casey: Leo and Keke i have a sneaky question for you 2

Keanna: what is it?

Casey: Leo and Keanna which one of y'all is the top and bottom?

Leo & Keke: *blushes*

Karai: really? you couldn't give them a cleaner question?

Casey: *laughs* sorry I'm sorry, but seriously you 2 who's the top and bottom

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