a spicy Christmas eve night and a merry ninja Christmas 🎄🥷🏾🐢

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*later at 8:05pm* *after dinner*

*in the might Mutanimals lair*

*it was Christmas eve and everyone is excited with the mighty Mutanimals watching the mistletoe video that Casey sent, Casey and Mondo playing indoor hockey on roller skates, the turtles decoring the tree, Keke baking and decoring cookies, April and Renet doing Christmas arts and crafts, and Karai and Shini working on their gifts*

Slash: this video is so cute

Casey: i know right and I'm surprised Keanna didn't lash out this time, huh?

Mondo Gecko: he shoots he scores

Casey: no fair i want a rematch

Mondo Gecko: oh you're on

*with April & Renet*

Renet: there I'm done

April: what did you do?

Renet: i did a wreath

April: that's pretty, i did a star

Renet: that's beautiful

*with Karai and Shini*

Shini: I'm done with my gift wrapping

Karai: oh really? so did i

Shini: you're kidding

Karai: nope *sneakily put her hand over her and Shini's head* look up

Shini: *looks up and smirks* really? okay you asked for it *kisses her lips*

*with the turtles and Keanna*

*in the kitchen*

*in the kitchen Keanna just took the cookies out the oven with Keke making sugar cookies, hot cocoa cookies, and chocolate chip cookies with red and green m&m's and Christmas sprinkles. as she started decoring the last half of the sugar cookies the turtles came in the kitchen*

Mikey: sup Keke

Keanna: hey guys

Raph: whoa, your baking skills are on point

Keanna: thanks Raph

Donnie: can we try them?

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