Bearded dragon turtle hybrids (dare 10 & 11)

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*at 3:25am* *still in Keke's apartment*


*it's been a few hours and Leo woke up to go mediate in a different room but before he did that he kissed his sleeping girlfriend on the cheek then went out*

Leo: *thinks to himself* I'm still surprised that i took her on this date and we had a great time, again I'm really happy that I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes another thing is that similar to Raph and Mona we rarely even fight but we do have some disagreements, but our fights and/or disagreements don't last long and we always make up afterwards either with a make out session and/or slow dance in the lair or in her home. but after going through so much pain of my previous missions and losing my father years ago i found someone who is nice to me and best of all my family and friends all welcomed her with open arms even Splinter welcomed her too and made a joke that he blessed us if i ever marry Keke, but he wasn't wrong i do want to marry her someday but i don't mind waiting not to mention we were dating for 2 months. even with her disability i still love her a lot and biggest shocker of all is that I'm able to balance of running the clan to my family & friends and being a really loving boyfriend to Keanna

*2 hours later* *at 5:25am*

Keanna POV

*at this time Keke woke up got out of bed put on a blue floral short Kimono Robe then got into the bathroom to brush her teeth then got out to a different room to see her turtle mediating*

Keanna: morning honey

Leo: *not facing her* morning sweetie, and why are you up this early? try to get some more sleep

Keanna: *comes in the room closes the door and sits on the bed* i can's go back to sleep, and the reason why is because i wanted us to watch the sunrise. we watched sunsets but when the heck did we even watch a sunrise

Leo:*chuckles then gets on the bed then puts his head on her lap and looks up at her* I'm not complaining we had never watched a sunrise before and it doesn't start until 7

Keanna: *rubs his head* what should we do in the meantime?

Leo: *smirks sits up then snakes his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder then whispers in her ear* you have a really gorgeous robe sweetie, can i take it off you?

Keanna: *whispers to him* yes

Leo: *unties the knot lays his head on his lap and starts sucking on her "twin pillows"* (i know y'all get the wordplay)

Keanna: *caresses his head* because of your being hurt you can do this to me because you're my baby turtle

Leo: *lets go then pins her down and smirks at her* don't ever call me a big baby 

*just as Leo said this he kisses her on the lips with Keke tongues in his mouth with Leo winning the tongue fight again then Leo starts kissing her neck leaving her moaning and wanting even more*

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