" 1 Hour and 48 minutes"

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A/N: Also, Freya and Finn won't really be in the story. They're off somewhere else but they will be appearing a few times.


~~New Orleans~~
"Kol, is that you?!" I hear my sister shout as I walk into the compound.

I'm filled with several emotions and questions. Why didn't she remember? Why couldn't I find her? Was she here all this time? I want to know everything.

"What's with that look?" Rebekah asks as she appears in my vision,

"I found her," I quietly let out, if it weren't for our advanced hearing she wouldn't have heard,

" 'Found her'? Found who?" Confusion all over her face,
"Emilia," I let out. Shock takes over the confusion on my sister's face,"What?" She breathes out,"Wha- where- where is she? Is she not with you?"

Questions burst out of her mouth, confusion and excitement laced in them,

"She doesn't remember," the words I didn't want to believe leave my mouth for the first time,

" 'Doesn't remember'? What do you mean? When you found her didn't you wake her and undo the compulsion?"

"She was already awake when I found her," something I'm still very confused about,

"What? But-" "I don't know Rebekah! I have the same questions!" I snap at her, silence falls over us for a moment.

Before either of us can say anything, Elijah and Klaus walk in,"What is with all the yelling? Kol, back so soon? Now, why such long faces?" Klaus jokes,

"Is something wrong?" I hear genuine concern and
curiosity in Elijah's words,

"He found Emilia," Rebekah confesses, wiping the amusement from Klaus's face. Blank looks on both my brothers's faces but their eyes tell another story.

"You, you found her? Where- where is she then?" Klaus asks,

"She's in Bailey Cliffs, a small town near St. Francisville, here in Louisiana. Only an hour and 48 minutes." I confess lowly.

This whole time she was here and I was going all over the world to find her when she was just an hour away!

"She was here this whole time? How come we never heard from her? Or from this BaileyCliffs?"

Rebekah goes on with questions,"I already told you, I don't know!" I snap again, I have to let these emotions out.

"Kol calm down," Elijah steps forward.

" 'Calm down'? I can't bloody calm down, Elijah. I just found the  love of my life, who God knows how long  I've searched for her, for who's been closer to me than I thought, who was already awake,  and she doesn't remember me!

And I have a million questions to all of this but all I want to do is be near her, hug her, kiss her, and tell her how much I love and missed her.

I let everything that I have been feeling since I saw Emilia, out.

While being dagger and un dagger, dealing with the Mystic Falls Gang, the other side, and other supernatural activities. It was a bit difficult to find the time.

Whenever I was conscious and I had the chance, I would go all over the world to find her. Always going back and re start it, always re

Starting from where I left her, where she's from, where we promised to runaway to, Brazil.

"Excuse me," I breath out and walk out. Going upstairs towards my room.


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