"We've seen each other in diapers"

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I just finished my third body as I throw it in pile of the previous, I'll help them out later. Before I make another move I hear,

"Bye Stiles!"  "Byeee  Earhart!" I turn and see this Stiles walking away from Emilia's apartment building.

As he turns and starts walking on the sidewalk he walks right past me-who's in the woods that are across the buildings, including Emilia's-. The smell of blood coming off of him.

It wouldn't hurt to have one more snack would it?

I speed towards him, grab and pull him into the forest, and push him up against a tree,"Ahh!"

"Don't move and don't make a sound," I compel him and dig my fangs into his neck. But something burns the inside of my mouth the instant I do.

I hiss as I pull away, spitting whatever it was towards the ground,"Vervain?" I lowly ask mostly to myself. He can't have vervain? It's-but also I compelled him.

,"Do you know who I am?" He shakes his head no,
"Do you know what I am?" "No, well, now I think that you're a vampire," he answers.

I'm gonna test something,"What's your biggest fear?" "Blindness" "Becoming blind?" I ask confused,"Yeah, always have been,"

I shake my head and look into his eyes,"Are you telling the truth?"  "Yes," he nods in response, his pupils dilating.

So compulsion still works even if there is vervain,
"You never saw me, a viscous dog came and attacked you, go to the nearest hospital, fix that up, and go home."

After he repeats what I said I speed away.

~~~~Time Skip to Next Day~~~~
Emilia POV
Emilia's Outfit

I close my locker to be met by my best friend,"Hello Miss Emi," "Hello Mr - Oh my gosh Stiles what happened?"

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I close my locker to be met by my best friend,
"Hello Miss Emi," "Hello Mr - Oh my gosh Stiles what happened?"

I panic as I see a huge bandaid around the left side of his neck, bringing my fingers towards it to check him,

"I'm ok, it's nothing," he shrugs, gently pushing my fingers away,"It's not nothing, Stiles. What happened? Did someone do this to you?"

"Look, on my way home I encountered a very viscous dog."  "Than why didn't you come back, or call me?"

This is really serious. Why isn't he taking this serious! "Because I knew you would act how you're acting right now,"

He pulls my fingers away again. I put my hands down, frown upon my face, eyes drilling into his,

"Well I'm sorry I care and worry about you," I snap at him,

"I didn't mean it like that. What I'm trying to say is that it's all ok now. I didn't let you know earlier because I wanted you to have a good rest since you were talking about this, Kol guy."

He casually shrugs and puts his hands in his front jean pockets,"Fine, but you have to let me see it," I sigh,"What? Ew, gross, no," he denies, his face all grossed out,

"We've seen each other in diapers,"  "Correction, You have seen me in diapers."

He corrects,"Same thing," I shrug and start walking to down the hallway.

A/N:Please Vote

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