"A very wise young beautiful woman..."

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Stiles POV
Oh no.
No no no.
"This can't be happening. Ughh I knew this would happen. She just had to meet Kol."

I pick up Emi's phone from the ground and get back into the car. 

I'm gonna need to go to New Orleans.

I'm planning a murder and that noble brother of mine is my target.
I'm shaking with rage as I head towards the compound, coming back from Emilia's graduation.

"Where hav- what's with that look?"
"Where is he?"
I grit out, walking past Rebekah,

"Who, Elijah? He should be-"
"You called?"

Elijah appears, cutting off Rebekah. Not one second passes before he's up against the wall, me hovering over him with my right arm pressing against his neck.

"How could you?!" I push him even more into the wall,"Kol what are you doing?!"

Rebekah, Davina, and Klaus enter the room as Elijah keeps his calm demeanor but from his eyes you can tell realization hit him,

"Kol-"  "How long? How long have you known?"
I ask lowly, my eyes throwing daggers at Elijah.

He sighs lowly and adverts his eyes to the ground,
"About 3 years," he confesses lowly as he looks back at me.

"Ahhhh!!" I grab him by his arms and throw him across the room, his body smacking into a wall.

"Kol!!" My siblings scold me as Rebekah rushes over to Elijah as Klaus rushes towards me,"What are you doing?!"

He shoves, causing me to hit the wall,
"He knew! He knew that Emilia was already awake before we found out just a few days ago!"

Shock falls over everyone's faces as they all turn and face Elijah,

"I can explain," he grunts, now standing with his left hand on his right shoulder. I wanted to say something but I hold myself and let him speak,

"I found her one night as I was doing some business in St. Francisville. Found her right where both towns meet."

~~~~Flash Back 3 years ago~~~~

Elijah POV"Emilia," I breath out as I  speed towards her in the night,"Hm, oh

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Elijah POV
"Emilia," I breath out as I speed towards her in the night,
"Hm, oh. Um hi, do I know you?"

Confusion written all over her face as she turns around and faces me.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Did Kol not undo the compulsion? If not then how is she awake? Several questions cloud my head,

"Is everything ok sir?" Emilia takes me out of my thoughts,

"Yes, pardon me. You look a lot like an old friend of mine which got me thinking of the last conversation we had of this question we couldn't decipher."

I remember the last time we had a conversation which was of this question that Henrik asked,"What was the question?"

She asks, genuine curiosity in her voice,"Why is it so easy to destroy your own happiness but so hard to destroy our sadness?"

"Well I believe, I may have this wrong ,but what I think is that sadness is within every single one of our emotions, in some way sadness will reveal itself in anyone of our emotions.

But not happiness, at least not all of them. I guess since sadness has more emotions I guess more, not power but, strength?

And that's why it's harder to destroy. Actually that doesn't make sense to that question but maybe happiness IS within every emotion but sadness just shows up more often."

She answers, the answer being the exact same thing that she said back then,

"A very wise beautiful young lady once told me the exact same, and I agree." I smile but it slowly fades as I walk closer towards her,

"You will forget you ever saw me. You were just walking around when you decided to walk back home."

I make sure her pupils dilate, telling me that the compulsion worked. I kiss her forehead as she is still in a trance.

Then I speed off.

~~~~Flashback ends, Present~~~~
"And that's how I found her. Throughout the months, years, I found out what happened."

I conclude,"What ha-" "Elijah!"
A panting Stiles barges in, interrupting Kol,

"Stiles? What are you doing here?" I furrow my eyebrows, everyone's attention on the panting boy at the entrance,

"It's Emilia,"


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