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Emilia POV
My head feels like what I imagine a hangover is. This immense pain all over the place. As I sit up I feel cushions under me.

When did I get on the couch?

I sit up and take in my surroundings.
This isn't my apartment.

I stand up and take a better look around me. From what I can tell I'm in a wooden cabin. In front of me there's a fireplace, to the left and right some other furniture.

To the left side of the cabin there's a small kitchen with a door(assuming that's both the entrance and exit) and to the right there's a bay window, revealing in sunshine.

Behind me there's a slightly open door that reveals a bathroom and right next to it is a bed.

"You're awake," a voice saids. I turn to the left and see a middle aged woman with long dark hair and eyes who seems to be around 5'4 feet.

"Wh- who are you? And where am I?"
"My name's Dahlia and you're in a cabin in the woods.

She answers, walking towards me,"Why am I here? What are you gonna do with me? W-"

"I'll explain everything soon. Now, sit and I'll tell you the whole story."

She cuts off my ramble of questions 
as she goes back towards the kitchen and I warily sit back down,

"Emilia Cruz, right?"
She asks as she takes out a tea kettle from one of the cabinets,
"Sorry for bringing you in like this. But as expected your injury has healed, well, apart from some of the after pain."

She saids as she pours water into the kettle, setting it on the stove.

My fingers reach to my temples and there's only a smudge of dried blood on my finger from the contact. The pain is barely even there.

"No need to fret, knowing them you'll be safe and sound soon."

"Who's 'Them'"? I furrow my eyebrows as I turn towards her direction,"Well The Mikaelsons of course. Especially Kol."

Mikaelsons? Wait Kol? Could this be the same Kol?
"Wait, what- what are you talking about? Why am I even here?"

"Right, I forgot that you don't remember."

I furrow my eyebrows even more. Remember?
Remember what?

"Let's just start from the very beginning. You know the stories of vampires, werewolves, and witches?"


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