I'll be there soon

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Davina soon joined the girls, informing them that the spell that Dahlia was using on Emilia, it might include with her memories slowly returning,

"Thank you Davina," Emilia smiles at her. The witch smiles back and exits the room,
She turns around and finds Kol,
"How fast are these memories going to come?"
Noting that he heard them, she said,"Depends how frequent she gets them."

"Will all her memories come back?"
"In time, yes, all of them."
"Even ones that were erased before?"
Davina looks at him in confusion as he stands there nervously,
"What do you mean?"

Kol takes a deep breath,"Before I compelled Emilia to forget, days before, I compelled, erased, some certain memories of hers that I don't want her remembering."

"Well I don't know what to tell you Kol. Those memories might come back as well but I can maybe delay those memories.. I don't know."

"All right." He sighs with a nod and walks away.


Rebekah decided on taking Emilia through the city, stopping at  a party in Rousseau's,"Cami, this is my dear old friend Lia

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Rebekah decided on taking Emilia through the city, stopping at a party in Rousseau's,
"Cami, this is my dear old friend Lia. Lia this is my friend Cami."

"Lovely meeting you," Emilia stretched out her hand,
"Same here. You're so beautiful," Cami smiles, taking Emi's hand and shakes it,

"Oh thank you! You're gorgeous, I can tell that you are a beautiful kind person."

"That's so sweet," they both smile as they pull away from the shake,
"So you must be Emilia, the famous Innocent,"
They turn around to find the source of the voice being Marcel
"Um I guess so. But not famous,"
Cami stands there in confusion,"Lia
I'll be right back, you'll be safe with Marcel."

Rebekah informs as she notices Cami's confusion, bringing her over somewhere else so that she can explain,

"You're the Marcel that's friends with Klaus..?"
"Pleased to meet you,"
She extends her hand towards his with a smile,
"As well as I,"
He takes her hand and just by holding it he feels something different,
"Everything all right?"
Marcel let's go of her hand and meets her concerned eyes,
"Uh- yeah.
Why don't we have a chat, get to know each other,"


Marcel POV

Emilia and I walk through the streets of New Orleans as we talk and she is nothing to who I thought she was. Considering who her boyfriend is she is nothing like Kol,

"And then here we are. If someone were to tell me a week ago  that the world of supernatural existed and I would be involved in it, I would've scold Stiles for such a prank."

She says as we stop by a corner,"Yeah, it's crazy at first but you'll get used to it.
"You know, you're different."
"Thank you?"
we both chuckle,
I stop, I hear the sound of a phone's shutter. I look around to find few people in the area but no one with a phone out,
"Did you hear that?"
"Well considering that I don't have enhanced hearing than no,"

There it is.

"Let's go back,"

3rd POV
Emilia and Rebekah soon left and went back to the compound,
"And where were you?"
"We were at a party in Rousseau's."
"Do you not know how dangerous that could've been."

Kol scolds as he walks down the stairs. Glancing at Emilia every few seconds, admiring her in the dress,

"It's ok Kol. We were with Cami and Marcel, they're the only ones apart from us that know about Emilia. Nothing happened."

Little did they know.... someone did.


"Yeah I'm sure. It's true! I literally saw her a few feet away from me with Marcel. I sent you the picture didn't I?"
"I'll be there soon,"
"Alright, see ya Kai."

A/N: Hehehe our favorite sociopath is coming very soon.
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