That name...

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             A/N:Emilia's outfits will be shown above.

             A/N:Emilia's outfits will be shown above

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Emilia POV

"Two more days of studying torture and then pfff, to be gone this school."

"Yeah but after 2 months you'll be back into studying torture at George Washington University."

I burst Stiles's bubble as we walk into our chemistry class,"Yeah well, well that won't be studying torture, that'll be studying  fun."

He replies as we sit in our seats, the teacher about to start the class.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"What?" Stiles asks after I let out a big sigh,"Nothing, just hard to believe that school's over in 2 days."

I reply as I continue taking notes with Stiles in the library,"Yeah but just for 2 months. Then you'll be learning, studying, turning in your assignments early, again."

I don't say anything in return and continue taking notes,"Right?" I do nothing in reply,"Emmm,you did turn in your application,right? Your going to college right?"

"Well um," "Emi!-" "Shhhh" Stiles gets interrupted by the Liberian,"Em, come on. I thought you said you already know where you're going."

He whisper shouts at me,"Key word: thought,"
He sends me a glare in response,"I don't know ok. I don't think I even can go to college."

I drop my pencil as I start explaining,"What do you mean? You're one of smartest people I know."

"It's not that. I don't think I can afford it." I look down at my fidgeting fingers,"I'll pay for it than. I'm sure my dad won't mind."

"No Stiles, I can't let you do that. Please don't do that. I don't need your money." I decline as I start looking up from my fingers,

"Well, than you'll get a scholarshi-"

"Stiles." I sternly cut off Stiles as ideas were flying out of his mouth,

"I don't even think I wanna go," I confess as I now fully face him,"What? But, that's been your dream since you were like 5,"

"I know," "Don't you want to be a fashion designer  anymore?" "No I do, it's just. I don't know, I feel like there's something stopping me from going."

"Something stopping you? Em, your the most determined person I know. What's stopping you?"

That's what I keep asking myself.
~~~~Time Skip~~~~
I'm going to meet Stiles after school at the park but first I need to go to the our local Café,"Thank you,"

I thank the barista, taking my order and going outside. As I start walking towards the park, I bump  into someone, some of my coffee spilling on them,

"I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention where I was going. I'm so sorry," I quickly apologize and grab a napkin from my pastry box, trying me best to wipe off the stain,

"It's ok, don't worry about it darling,"  that name...
I look up to be met with the face to who belongs to the man who Stiles thinks I made up,

"Kol?"  He furrows his eyebrows, probably from the way I said his name,

"Oh sorry no it's. I'm so sorry about spilling my coffee, please, let me pay for how much that shirt cost,"

I offer quickly,"No, it's alright. I have dozens of this same exact shirt," he declines with a laugh and shake of head.

I swear I know this man from somewhere. After a very brief moment of silence,"Where did you go?"
I ask, referring to when we last/first met at Brooke's Books.

He tilts his head in confusion until he finally gets it,

"Ah, yes. I got an important message from my brother and I had to leave as soon as possible," he explains.

Ok... but how'd he leave so fast,"Well I'm actually happy that I found you. I was starting to think that I made you up,"

I chuckle, remembering of when Stiles wasn't believing me,"Why would you think that?"

"Because you left so quickly that my friend, who was coming up to us, didn't see you and wouldn't believe me. He said that my imagination made you up."

We both laugh and before he goes to say something, his phone starts ringing. He takes it out of his pocket, checks who it is,"Sorry but I have to go. It's my brother. Good seeing you Emilia,"

I just nod with a smile and he starts walking back from where he came from.

The way he said my name... I don't know, maybe I'm just too tired.

My phone pings and it's a message from Stiles, telling me that he's arrived at the park.


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