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All sorts of eyes followed Valeria as she passed by the chariots and the people surrounding them. Confused tributes' eyes trailed after her, some wondering why she was there and others clearly thinking they were losing their minds. Others glared her way, reminding her that people would always hate her for who her grandfather was. The glares mostly came from the Victors, who were more aware of her identity and what she was doing down there.

The careers were the only tributes who seemed to be aware of what she was doing down there, no doubt being told by their mentors as they eyed her eagerly in hopes she would stop by their chariots. Their hopes were soon dashed, replaced by disbelief as Valeria walked by them without a second glance. No doubt they would be raging later that night, but that was none of Valeria's concern. 

As she passed each of the chariots, the whispers grew as the tributes targeted their hushed questions at their mentors. The further Valeria walked, the more she was saddened by how much smaller and thinner the tributes became, no doubt from the extreme poverty they faced in the outlining districts. By the time she reached District 8, they were all skin and bone.

Valeria had never gone past District 7 before, and every seasoned mentor and anyone involved in the games knew that. Confusion and hatred turned to shock as Valeria approached District 12, trying her best to push away the nerves bubbling in her stomach.

Haymitch Abernathy, the only victor and mentor from District 12, caught sight of her first despite his drunken nature. His eyes narrowed as he stumbled in front of his tributes to block her from them, catching the two tribute's attention as their eyes landed on Valeria. Recognition flashed across the boy's face, but Valeria could tell the District 12 girl didn't know who she was.

"Get lost on the way to 2, did ya?" Haymitch's words were slightly slurred as he glared at the girl before him.

"I didn't get lost at all," Valeria answered with a smile, unbothered by the drunken man before her. 

"Hmm," Haymitch mumbled as he eyed her up and down suspiciously.

A high pitched gasp emitted from behind behind them before hurried heel clicks approached until the District 12 escort appeared by their side.

"Ms. Snow!" Effie couldn't contain her excitement as she burst with energy at the sight of her. "What an honor it is to have you over here, we're so extremely humbled-"

Haymitch coughed something under his breath that Valeria couldn't make out, but Effie certainly did as her face conveyed her horror as she smacked with her fan. It was almost amusing to watch, in a way, until Valeria was reminded why Haymitch was like that in the first place.

"Oh, I'm so terribly sorry about him," Effie apologized as she grabbed Haymitch's arm and pulled him away. "He's not been feeling well lately, I'll bring him someone to rest up. It was so lovely to see you."

Effie gave a half bow before standing back up when she realized what she was doing, straightening her dress as she cleared her throat in embarrassment and hurried off with Haymitch stumbling behind her. Valeria raised an eyebrow at them in amusement before she turned her attention back to the District 12 tributes. Katniss seemed to have finally recognized her, the distrust and anger as clear as day on her face.

"What an interesting team you seem to have for District 12," Valeria broke the ice with the first thing that came to mind. It probably could have been worded better, but chit chatting with the District 12 tributes was not on her list of things for that night. "I wanted to come introduce myself. I'm Valeria Snow."

Her last name left a sour taste in her mouth, as she was sure it did for the two tributes before her who tried and failed to hide their emotions towards it. One did better than the other.

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