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"Valeria," Cassia moaned and groaned as Valeria did her hair, tightening them into a perfect braid that would rival the girl on fire's own braid. 

"You're the one who wanted me to do your hair," Valeria reminded her sister as she tugged again to twist the braid together, ignoring the way Cassia glared at her through the mirror. 

"Yeah, because Tiber can't do hair for the life of him," Cassia sighed in annoyance as she thought about her personal stylist. 

"Well, Tiber has much better things to do than learn how to braid only for you to find a new hairstyle obsession next month," Valeria teased, prompting her younger sister to roll her eyes. "Katniss hasn't even won."

"Yet," Cassia added as Valeria raised a quipped eyebrow at her. "She hasn't won yet."

"Don't keep your hopes up," Valeria warned as she reached for the hair tie, tying off Cassia's hair as she stepped back from the chair. "There, all finished."

Cassia brightened as she stared at her braid in the mirror, an exact replicate of the one Katniss Everdeen wore. Valeria shook her head as her sister released a squeal, surprised when she jumped off her chair to give her an excited hug. 

"Careful, you'll ruin your braid," Valeria laughed as her sister pulled away, reaching up to touch her braid as if expecting it to have fallen apart.

"You're coming tonight, aren't you?" Cassia asked hesitantly, as if afraid Valeria wouldn't be able to go.

"As if I'd miss your twelfth birthday party," Valeria waved off her sister's concerns with a few simple words, but it was enough to bring a bright smile to Cassia's face. "Speaking of which, I should head back so I can be ready in time. Can't show up late to my own sister's birthday, can I?"

"Oh, you should wear your rainbow dress," Cassia leaned forward to grab her older sister's hands excitedly. "It looked so beautiful on you. Tigris did a really great job on it."

Valeria thought back to the dress Cassia talked about, the one with embroidered flowers and a rainbow of ruffles that seemed to only anger her grandfather. While beautiful, Tigris had surely known what her grandfather would think when he saw the dress, something that Valeria was oblivious to. It wouldn't do any good to rile her grandfather any further, but looking down at Cassia's pleading eyes and pouting lips, Valeria could hardly deny her sister anything.

"Oh, all right," Valeria released an overexaggerated sigh as Cassia giggled at the action. "There better be cake still left when I arrive."

"You know I can't have cake," Cassia pouted as Valeria went to leave, who sent her younger sister a mischievous wink that put a smile on her face.

Valeria laughed as she exited the room, hurrying to make it home before the party started. She even took her private car with a driver, much as she hated using it as she liked to walk the streets of the city by herself. It didn't take long for her to catch sight of her apartment building, the windows sparkling against the sunlight as she stepped out of the car. 

She checked her watch as entered the elevator, relieved to find she had plenty of time to get ready before the party began. Valeria would have even more free time now that she didn't have to worry about what she would wear, her sister's request echoing in the back of her mind. She reached down and pulled off her shoes, ignoring the redness on her pale skin as the elevator reached her floor. 

A buzz from her phone alerted her of a message sent to her, she pulled out the phone from her purse as she opened her front door only to find the notifications screen empty. She paused at the doorway, glancing over her shoulder as if being watched before stepping pass the threshold and closing the door behind her. She threw the phone back into the purse before digging even deep until her hands wrapped around what she was looking for.

Valeria couldn't believe she was clumsy enough to have thrown it into her purse, eyes wide as she pulled out her second phone. If she had been caught with it, if anyone had seen it... Valeria had to shake her head of the what ifs. It was a foolish mistake that surely wouldn't happen again. Instead she opted to unlocking the screen, scrolling until she found what had buzzed her phone.

Mission set for 19:00.

Valeria had to hand it to Heavensbee, he was smarter than he let on. Coordinating the rescue mission for when everyone would be focused on the party of the president's granddaughter was smart. Almost too smart. 

She shook her head as she entered the apartment, almost dropping her phone in surprise when she found an unexpected guest sitting in her living room. 

"What are you doing here?" Valeria didn't mean to sound so harsh when the words came out, but seeing Finnick Odair dressed in a suit in her living room was not what she had expected when she came back. It was almost as unprecedented as the first time she found him there.

It didn't seem to deter Finnick as he stood up, adjusting the tie around his neck in a way that even Valeria couldn't deny made him look pretty damn sexy. She quickly shook the thoughts from her head as she narrowed her heads at the unwelcome guest.

"I was invited to your sister's birthday party," His words made Valeria want to strangle him, or anyone for that matter. "Courtesy of your grandfather."

"I knew I shouldn't have asked for another night," Valeria muttered as she stared up at the ceiling, thinking for several seconds before she dropped her head back down to look at the blonde who looked just as happy to be there as she was. "Alright, fine. But you can't wear that."

"What's wrong with this?" Finnick glanced down at his suit in confusion, glancing back up at Valeria who was eyeing him up and down. If he didn't know any better, he would almost think she was checking him out.

"Besides the fact that you're going to give my sister a heart attack wearing that," Valeria gestured to the suit that was definitely over the top for a twelve year old's birthday party. "It doesn't match what I'm wearing."

"Match what you're..." Finnick trailed off as he seemed to process her words. "Oh, no, we're not-"

"Come on, we still have a bit of time before we have to be there," Valeria had grabbed his arm and began dragging him towards the door, only loosening his grip when he caught up to her. She all but practically shoved him out the door as she hurried to the elevator, knowing they had to be fast if they didn't want to miss the party.

"Valeria," she paused at her name, the first time she had heard it come out of his mouth as she turned to face him with a questioning look. "Your shoes."

Valeria followed his pointed finger down to her feet, where her lack of shoes was evident against the dark carpet.

"Oh, silly me," Valeria released a laugh, the first genuine one Finnick had heard from her as she shook her head in amusement. 

She hurried back inside, leaving the Victor alone to his thoughts until she emerged a minute later. Not only was she wearing shoes, but she had grabbed a large bag as well. It's contents were hidden save for the rainbow ruffles overflowing at the top that made him question what kind of party they were really going to.

He had other things to focus on as Valeria all but dragged him down to the car, things like what ridiculous outfit the girl would make him wear to the party that night. He only hoped it wasn't as ridiculous looking as the ruffles sticking out from her bag. 

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