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It was dark and cold as Valeria wrapped her coat around her tighter. She glanced over her shoulder once more to ensure she hadn't been followed as one could never be too careful in her position.

She saw no sign of life, not surprising considering the part of town she was in was all fast asleep. Far was she from the parties that raged all night and the Capitol citizens who had nothing else to waste their time and money on. It was a quieter neighborhood, which made it easier to sneak around. She ducked into the alleyway as she reached into her bag, pulling out the all too familiar mask that concealed her identity.

Valeria slipped it on easily, hiding her easily identifiable blonde hair and blue eyes from the world. Gone was the frivolous granddaughter of the president who knew how to party like there was no tomorrow. In her place was the Jabberjay, the rebel spy who always seemed to be a step ahead of the Capitol no matter what they tried. An anomaly that they couldn't stop no matter how hard they tried to figure out her identity.

Valeria made her way further down the alleyway until she reached the other end, careful to keep to the sides of buildings even with her mask on. One could never be too careful and, although it was less surveilled than the rest of the Capitol, Valeria wasn't going to take any chances.

It didn't her long to come along her destination, the old music shop basically falling apart at the seams as she entered. Her eyes trailed across the aisles of old records and CDs, something that was declining popularity in the Capitol pretty fast. She made her way to the back of the store, to the listening booth. 

Valeria's eyes found the small handle on the bottom of the floor, lifting it up to reveal the old bomb shelter built into store from the war. She climbed down, the rickety ladder creaking underneath her weight as she landed firmly onto the ground. Her presence did not go unnoticed by the rest of the men in the room, who stopped their conversation to stare at the newcomer. 

"Jabberjay," Heavensbee was the first to speak as he stepped away from the table, gesturing for her to join them. "Welcome."

Valeria gave a short nod to the man as she joined the table, watching the others shift in anticipation and awe from her appearance. She ignored them as she reached into her pocket, pulling out a flash drive as she plugged it into the screen on the table. 

"Jabberjay has been kind enough to bring the underground tunnels of the mansion to us despite the risk," Heavensbee informed the men as the screen flickered to a map of the tunnels beneath her grandfather's house. "We have one time to use them, no doubt Snow will figure out quickly how we were able to break Julio out."

"Why waste it on him then?" One of the men spoke out, surprising Valeria as she raised an eyebrow at him despite her face being covered by a mask. He seemed to notice the unease and surprise from the rest of the room as he continued. "No offense, Julio has helped the cause more than any of us, but if we can only use the tunnels once before being found out, why waste it?"

All eyes seemed to turn to Valeria, who rolled her eyes as she tilted her head to look at Heavensbee to answer for her. 

"While we would normally agree with your point," Heavensbee began, taking the attention away from Valeria. "Julio was sent on a very important task that I believe he completed before getting caught. Information even the Jabberjay can't get access to without blowing his cover."

His cover, Valeria almost rolled her eyes at the words Heavensbee spoke, not at him, but at those who foolishly assumed she was a man. It made it easier to allude the Capitol as they tried to pin her identify but still, it was offensive as a woman. 

"Understood," the man seemed to back away after the explanation to no surprise to Valeria. He could question the plans if he was confused, but he still fought for the cause. They all did. "How many days do we have to pull off this mission?"

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