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Finnick was surprised to wake up early the next morning, refreshed from being able to get a peaceful night of rest as the strong smell of breakfast reached his senses.

He sat up, the blanket falling away from his body as he squinted his eyes at the morning light bursting through the windows. A soft hum caught his attention as he twisted to look over the back of the couch to something he never would've expected, the granddaughter of President Snow leaning lazily against the edge of the counter as she cooked what seemed to be a full breakfast before her. 

Finnick had to blink a few times to be sure he still wasn't dreaming, but it seemed he wasn't as Valeria flipped the bacon cooking on the stovetop, releasing a quiet hiss when some of the grease bounced up to burn her delicate hands. She turned to reach for a towel, pausing when her gaze met Finnick, who cleared his throat at being caught staring. 

Valeria didn't seem to mind much as she gave a half smile to Victor, as she straightened up and placed her hands on her hips. 

"Morning, sleeping beauty," Valeria almost seemed to snicker as she took in his appearance. "Have a good sleep, did you?"

Finnick reached up to where her eyes were looking, unsurprised to feel his tangled curls get stuck between his fingers. He was sure he looked a mess, but he didn't seem to mind as his hand fell back to his side as he watched Valeria turn back to the breakfast she was making. She seemed to forget he existed as he made his way over to the kitchen, eyes wandering over the simplicity of her apartment. Something he hadn't noticed last night.

He had certainly expected something more extravagant from the president's granddaughter, especially with all the gossip he heard about her from the Capitol citizens and her ability to have the best time at any party. What was more surprising, Finnick found as his eyes trailed over to the unsuspecting girl, was she was making her own breakfast when he knew she had dozens of people at her disposal to do it for her. It made his head hurt trying to warp his mind around it.

Finnick was dragged from his own thoughts when the tablet on the counter began buzzing, his eyes casting down to read the name in bright, bold letters staring at him mockingly.


Valeria had turned around to reach for the tablet as well, pausing if only for a split second when she read the name on the screen. Finnick watched as she answered the call, blowing up the screen to reveal the very person who made his life miserable, and she smiled at him. 

"Morning, grandpa," Valeria hummed as she moved the pan off the stove, turning the heat down as she turned back to face her grandfather. 

"Good morning, my dear," Finnick wanted to shrink away as he watched the conversation between the two, wanting nothing but to run away and never come back. "I see you're up early today. I would have thought you'd take the time to rest and sleep in."

"Don't be ridiculous," Valeria told him with a wave of her hand. "I have to be at Felicia's party at noon today, can't be late."

President Snow laughed at her words, a sound so unfamiliar and unnerving to Finnick as he watched. It sounded all so wrong how a man who instilled so much hate and fear could be happy, much less have a loving family.  

"Did you get my gift?" President Snow asked. "I'm sorry I couldn't see you for your birthdays this year, but you know how these things are."

"Yes," Valeria rolled her eyes at her grandfather, a sight that almost made Finnick balk at being able to get away with something so disrespectful to a man so powerful. "I would've appreciated a little more warning and say in something like that. But it was fine, I guess."

"Fine?" Finnick could hear President Snow take the words in, and he already feared the upcoming meeting with him. Fine is not what Finnick was told to do.

"Well, I mean," Valeria seemed to pause as she thought about her words carefully. "He can come back another night can't he? Before he leaves?"

Finnick shot the girl an incredulous look as she sent her grandfather a pleading look, as if a little girl asking for a present for Christmas. 

"I suppose that can be arranged," President Snow replied as Finnick felt himself relax a bit.

 At least he wouldn't get in trouble for not performing his task, and it was all thanks to Valeria. He felt bewildered as he watched the girl converse with her grandfather, almost as if they were a normal family. The way she talked and conversed made her seem oblivious to the horrors around her, but she had to know some extent of it. She somehow knew Finnick was on thin ice, and asked for another night with him despite not doing anything the night before.

 It only led to a multitude of questions Finnick had for the girl as he watched her hand up the call with her grandfather as she turned to look at him with a bored expression on her face.

Finnick opened his mouth, to thank or question her, he wasn't sure as he was cut off.

"What are you still doing here?" Valeria's voice was icy, not at all what it was several seconds ago when she spoke to her grandfather. "Get out."

Just like that, any disillusion Finnick may have had about the girl was dashed, replaced by the vague similarity of the cruel president who had sent him there. A switch had flipped just as quickly as it did with the president, charming those around them until it was time to bite. It seemed Valeria Snow didn't see any reason to try and charm Finnick Odair.

Valeria didn't bother to say anything else, her snake-like eyes losing interest in him just as quickly as it had come. Finnick watched in confusion as she turned back to her breakfast, throwing it onto a plate to eat. 

She didn't even offer him anything.

Finnick held in a scoff at the irony as he gathered his things and headed out the door, shutting it loudly behind him as Valeria didn't even bother looking up as he left. Rude and condescending, just like her grandfather. 

It seemed the apple really didn't fall far from the tree. 

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