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Finnick remembered the last time he was called in to see President Snow, every word burned into the back of his mind like a scar that would never leave. 

"A birthday gift, sir?" Finnick couldn't help the words that left his lips, he would kick himself later for opening his mouth. He knew the Capitol people were strange, he had the past ten years to experience it, but the president gifting him to his granddaughter for her nineteenth birthday was a bit weird even for the Capitol. 

The president didn't seem angry at his words though, maybe a bit amused, which gave Finnick room for a breath of relief as he picked up a picture frame on his desk. 

"Valeria has always been my favorite," Snow smiled as he admired the picture in his hands for a few moments before setting it down for Finnick to see the teenager with almost white hair. "A bit like me at her age, I'll admit."

Finnick tried not to show his uneasiness at the president's words. The last thing he wanted was another diabolical Snow to deal with. 

"I'm afraid since her parent's death she hasn't really shown any..." Snow paused as if looking for the right word. "...interest in anyone."

Finnick was confused about what direction Snow was going with the information, but held his tongue in fear of being punished.

"Until a few days ago," Snow stated as his eyes snap up to meet Finnick's, his snake like gaze sending shivers down the Victor's spine. "I've never seen her give a second glance to anyone I've sent her way, but she gave you a second glance, Mr. Odair."

"Sir?" Finnick questioned as the president looked upon him with a thoughtful gaze.

"Show her a good time and I'll consider it a success on its own," Snow told the Victor, who swallowed at the underlying threat. "But if you show her what it could mean to have someone to love, that the possibility for her is there, well... I can think about easing up on some of your visits to the Capitol."

Finnick felt his body freeze at the words that left President Snow's mouth. Less time in the Capitol was all he ever wished for, and it was a far fetched dream until a few short moments ago. 

Show her that love was possible for her, Finnick couldn't quite wrap his mind around what that meant.

"Do I make myself clear?" Snow questioned, although Finnick knew there was no question about it. The only unknown variable was if he would succeed. 

When Finnick nodded his head, he had simply expected to visit Valeria Snow once to show her a good time, maybe twice if he was lucky, and the president would be content with his achievement. 

He certainly didn't expect to be ignored one moment and pulled every direction the next as Valeria threw another shirt at him to try on.

"We don't have time for your modesty," Valeria dragged him back when he headed towards the changing room, caught off guard as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She glanced over her shoulder, fingers somehow still working on the buttons effortlessly despite not looking at them. "Tigris, do you still have those blush pants from the last time I was here?"

Finnick watched Tigris nod her head at her great-niece before disappearing further into the store to find what Valeria had asked for. Ocean blue eyes turned back to him, and Finnick caught her gaze falter at his exposed abdomen before she seemed to shake herself out of it as she ripped the rest of his shirt on.

I've never seen her give a second glance to anyone I've sent her way. 

Finnick remembered President Snow's last words to him.

But she gave you a second glance, Mr. Odair.

"I've never had someone try to undress me so quickly before," Finnick teased, almost to test out the waters as he found Valeria unamused by his words.

"Don't flatter yourself, pretty boy," Valeria snapped as Tigris returned, and she stepped away from Finnick as she reached for the blush pants. 

Finnick tugged on the cream shirt, his fingers fumbling with the buttons as Valeria nodding at the pants with approval.

"I knew you always had an eye for this sort of thing," Tigris almost seemed proud, but Valeria froze at her great-aunt's words. "I told Coriolanus he should have let you become a stylist."

"Don't be silly," Valeria waved her great-aunt off as she tossed the pants to Finnick, who caught the pants with ease. "There's no reason for me to be a stylist."

"I don't know," Tigris shrugged as Finnick changed into the blush colored pants. "You used to love styling when you were younger."

"That was when I was younger," Valeria shrugged her off. "Back before..."

Valeria trailed off as a dark expression overcame her face, one that surprised even Finnick as he watched her cover it up almost as quickly. She turned to Finnick, who was completely dressed in what she had picked for him.

"It looks perfect," Valeria clapped her hands together before turning back to Tigris. "Thanks a lot, Tigris. I owe you one."

"Family owes each other nothing," Tigris waved her away. "Now go, or you'll be late."

Valeria seemed to realize the time as her eyes widened, reaching and grabbing Finnick to drag along.

"Thanks again," Valeria called out as they exited onto the street, releasing her hold on Finnick as she glanced around until her eyes landed on their car. 

Even in heels, Finnick struggled to catch up as she threw open the car door for them. By the time Finnick entered in after her, she had already thrown off her shoes and was digging through the bag of things she had brought.

"Look and I'll murder you," Valeria's words took a moment to process as she reached down and began pulling off her clothes.

Oh, Finnick realized as he quickly looked away, not wanting to face the wrath of any Snow. 

He glanced down at the ground just as her shirt was tossed by his feet, and it honestly brought amusement to him. The whole situation was an anomaly. A girl who should be fawning over him glared daggers at him and wasn't trying to get him in bed was a new one for him, one that he was grateful for. 

No one had ever had such power over him just to do nothing

"We're here, Ms. Snow," the driver called back, but didn't turn his head to look in the back.

"One... moment..." Valeria grunted as Finnick glanced out the window to the large mansion looming over them. "Alright, let's go."

The door was opened from the outside and Finnick stepped out into the cool air. He turned around as Valeria exited after him, taken aback by how much she managed to change during their short car ride. She had somehow managed to pull her hair back into a simple braid that ran down her back, a simple hairstyle that matched the simple dress she wore. He had expected something more by the number of ruffles poking out the bag, but it nothing like the Capitol outfits he had grown accustomed to. A simple corset with flowers embroidered in it met the rainbow ruffles that gave an innocence the Capitol lacked. 

"Oof," Valeria stumbled into Finnick as she attempted to pull her shoes on as she excited the car. Finnick had quick enough reflexes that he caught the girl before she fell any further, receiving no sort of thanks as she straightened back onto her feet.

She stared up at the mansion with no expression, something that gave Finnick some unease. Maybe he wasn't the only one that hated the mansion, but then a smile appeared on her face as she readjusted her dress before turning to Finnick.

"Shall we?" She asked as she held out her arm for Finnick to take, one which he eyed cautiously for a few moments as if looking for some kind of trickery.

He eventually took her arm, wondering what he had gotten himself into as he allowed her to lead him inside.

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