Pirate chapter 1

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Authors note: all towns and places are completely made up for fantasy reasons. 😎 (at a point I did include tortuga because obviously it's tortuga and Paris,) lol

Fear coursed through me like snake venom. Shouts could be heard as I rushed through the gated barricade.. Passed the castle walls.. passed the guards. My heart was in my stomach. The sky was dark and it was down pouring rain. My feet were covered in mud up to mid calf. I was running full speed, and behind every possible thing that could hide my path. The abuse has gone on far too long and now I was to be subject to a betrothal? Absolutely not. Besides the normal torment I suffered each day of cleaning, cooking, being looked at not seen or spoken to, physical abuse started as well. I would be shoved by my brother Henry, the prince, and called names and berated. I was done with it. And if I was to be married off I knew for a fact if it was someone they chose..? I'd more than likely be treated the same way. I know it seems ridiculous due to the fact I was a princess and some things (most things) I had no choice in. I was given everything I wanted sure, but I was abandoning it all. It wasn't worth this. I didn't particularly know what I wanted anymore, other than to get away. Far away. I rarely saw my father and I wasn't sure what the he was planning, but I knew for a fact something felt off, and I didn't want any part of it.

I was holding my dress up to my knees hauling toward the shore line covered in docked boats and ships. Maybe I could hide by one until I figure out a better plan. All of this happened in a few hours. Learning of the betrothal then deciding to leave.

After a while of up hill, down hill, through the brush and the village of solara; solara being the village the castle loomed over, I finally collapsed to my knees from exhaustion. I didn't know how far I ran, but I was far from the castle now as well as the village. My lungs and sides were on fire as I dig my fingers into the grass and sand. Sweat was pouring down my face. A few yards away off a pier is where all the ships and merchant shops were.

Behind some trees in the shadow of the dark clouds; a voice pierced through.

"It's the princess! Grab her!"

I squeaked and tried to get up to run, but my legs were noodles, and the rest of my body was stiff. I felt something hard hit my head and my vision blurs as the booming pain collapsed me to my chest. With one last ditch effort I roll to my back to try to get up. My body fails me and I black out, but not without the final sound of shuffling heavy boots and chains.

Eventually I woke, but I kept my eyes closed to feign sleep. I had to go through the 5 senses to calm my racing heart..

First, I felt cuffs on my wrists and I was presumably laying on a bed.

Second, I can see the beams of light shining through my closed lids.

Third, I smelt ocean water, salt, and the musk of old wood.

Fourth, I tasted sweat on my tongue from still being disheveled from running.

And fifth, I focused my ears; listening for anything that would give me an answer on where the hell I was.

The slow steady rock of the ship I was on told me it was moving.

As my body awakened more, I realized my wrists were sore and rubbed raw from the cuffs. I'm sure they were bleeding as well. My head was pounding behind my eyes. A gasp escaped my lips as I heard clunky boots walking down the wooden base boards of the ship. Quickly approaching.

I continued to keep my eyes closed as I didn't want to see or have anything happen to me..

I hear several locks click, and the dangle of keys and chains. The door squeaks open slowly and the foot steps move in.

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