Pirate chapter 19

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The next morning we woke up and ate a little before walking back to the darkened island. Something told me it was always dark here. Maybe it had to be.

I did sleep a lot better after the energy removal. I was no longer feeling ill. But now we have to go see Tobias one more time before we leave to make sure I'm okay. Which also had me heat up... not that I'd let the pirate captain know that.. was this going to be the rest of my life? Now that I've gotten away from the palace a second time I~

"Stop thinking you'll hurt yourself." The captain grumbled half asleep and I glared at him. 

"Excuse me? I'm allowed. Go back to bed grumpy." I huff and move to roll away.

"You know I'm never fully asleep, princess. What's on your mind?" He asks softly and tugs me back against him. His hand trailing down my waist to my bare thigh. I still had my dress on but my undergarments were long gone from last night.. I had serveral bruises bit into my thighs and~

"Angel." He chuckled. "You don't want to have another energy cleanse right?"

"Maybe I do." I giggled with a raised eyebrow deciding to tease him.

He gripped my leg and I squeak as he growled in my ear. "You're fucking mine. Or do I have to show you again." He grumbled and bit my ear lobe.

I blushed and giggled shyly and nuzzled back against him. "I'm just playing, captain."

The witch doctor checked me over much to Shawn's dismay, but I was fine now.

"You are good to travel, my friend." Tobias says to Shawn and looks back to me. "Keep your princess safe. I hear whisper of Jones looking for you."

My eyes widen. "Excuse me?" I ask but I'm ignored.

"I'm aware. Thank you, Tobias." The captain sighed and nodded his head.

"Here. Take this with you." Tobias says and hands shawn a compass. "This is a compass for the underworld in which jones travels. You can watch."

"Thank you.." the captain  replied and took the small trinket.

"And for you." He continues on, and now he looks at me. He leans forward and grabs my face place a kiss on my forehead causing me to blush bright red. "I haven't seen a lady this pretty in a while." He winks.

Shawn huffed, i giggled, "thank you, papa." I smile bashfully.

We said goodbye once again, walking down the path to the ship. Shawn grumbling as I giggled.

"Shawn." I ask as he tugs me back to the ship. Now remembering. "Was he talking about Davy jones? Isn't he a creature?" I squeak.

"Princess. Shush for a bit." Captain stated and starting walking around shouting orders to sail. I blushed and followed him quietly as he had to be the captain. "And no. Well kind of. He's undead. But he's more like a zombie. He casts iron body parts on himself each time one falls off. He's very scary. The only thing still he has is a heart. But he melded iron over his chest and back so it's extremely hard to kill him. He messes with things he shouldn't, like necromancy, which is why Tobias hates him."

I trembled slightly. "And he's after you?!" I squeak fearfully.

"Jones is always after me." The captain rolled his eyes as he walked up and relieved Nate from steering.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I huffed following him and crossed my arms staring at the captain.

"I can make you feel better." He winks and I blush still glaring at him.

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