Pirate chapter 6

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The pirate captain was showing me around and introduced me to the crew.. 5 of them were his very close friends, the others were trusted as well.

He seemed pretty happy showing me the ship, well, happy for him which meant silent gestures and barking orders at the crew while we walked. I still didn't even know what to  think. I found myself not missing the castle more and more.. sure I missed my things and all that but I some how felt more comfort here.. I didn't know what was happening. I still didn't even know what Shawn was planning to do with me either.

He brought me into the kitchen and told me to sit. He gave me some biscuits and some water before sitting down in front of me and eating one himself.

"Shane makes these you know." The pirate captain spoke, attempting to break the silence I suppose.

"He does? He does good." I smiled small. "What are your plans with me?" I asked him suddenly because that's all I can think about..

"I don't know yet." He stated and shrugged.

I pout and look down. He's so short with me and it's infuriating. I just wanted to have some sort of idea. It's nearing 2 weeks now. My emotions have never been more confusing.

He looks at me sharply. "You're not going home. Ever again." He growled.

I glare at him. "You do realize I'm still the princess right? Has it crossed your mind that they're looking for me? Have you stopped to think about that?" I huff at him and cross my arms.

The pirate captain glared back at me. "Anyone who tries to stop me or take you back, will face my wrath. Don't worry, love. You'll die before you go back with them." He stated and stood up. And now he's a jerk again. I mean, he always is but..

"Finish your fucking food and you're getting locked in the room."

"No!I don't want to go back in the room! Please.. I'm sorry.." I mumbled. I didn't want to go back in there, the weather was nice and I liked the breeze and I didn't feel as sea sick.

"Then stop fucking asking me questions. We're docking today anyway." Shawn replied and stood up. "Are you done eating?" He asks.

"Yes.." I pout and look down at my cup of water and slowly sip it. He throws my plate in the sink and walks over to the door. I finished my water and put the cup in the sink before following him, staying quiet so I don't make him lock me in the room.

He offered me his hand when we got to steps that lead up to the wheel. I shyly take it and follow him.

"Are you bipolar?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow. He seemed to always go back and forth with me.

"Do you want me to be?" He huffed and dropped my hand, looking down at me.

"I'm just asking.. because sometimes you seem nice then other times.."

"I'm not nice." He rolled his eyes. "Don't get used to it. I'm still a deadly pirate captain, but.. I suppose you're growing on me. Like a malignant tumor." He spoke.

"HEY." I shout and glare at him.

He chuckled low and went up to the wheel to relieve Nate from steering.

"Come here." He stated and I shyly walk up. "Have you ever steered a ship?"

"Obviously not... I was never taught any of the battle or military things.. or anything useful like this. I was forced to do other things.." I mumble as heat floods my cheeks embarrassed at how little of the world I actually knew.

He doesn't say anything else. He pulls me closer and I squeak as he places my hands around the spokes of the wheel. He holds his hands over mine and guides me. I was staring with wide eyes as we moved. I was watching the waves crash up against the sides of the ship the wind through the sails.. the pirate captain pressed up behind me close..

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