Pirate chapter 14

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I was still pouting while we were steering. It was unfair.. well he is a pirate captain and strong and- STILL he could of not knocked me down..

"Princess. You're not still pouting are you?" Shawn chuckled and slid one hand down on my arm.

"No." I huff.

"Oh my god. You did okay, love. I've been doing this for years.." he cackled and I whined. 

"That's why it's not fair! You had advantage.." I whined and he laughed even more.

"Shit I haven't laughed in a while." He chuckled.

"Is that a good thing?" I giggle and nudge back at him. "And we both know I was seconds away from winning."

He snorts, "you are unbelievable." He laughed. "Try to fight me again, I'll beat your ass." He growls.

I shivered and blushed at his words.. I couldn't help but to think about his hands on me. "I was never taught to fight." I sighed. "Thank you." I told him, and it was true. In the castle I wasn't taught to defend myself which meant I was constantly degraded because I couldn't do anything about it.

"You're welcome, love." He replied and rubbed my shoulder.

"What's making you treat me so nice?" I asked him small. The captain chuckled.

"I don't know yet, but I'm growing fond of you, princess. I mean.. I could be mean if you like that.." he smirked and before I could say anything swung a hand down and smacked my bottom. I gasped and turned around from steering and looked at him with red cheeks.

I.. did he really just-

"You're cute when you're flustered." The pirate captain smirks and looks down at me.

I shivered and turned back around. "I'm not talking to you." I huff. Why would he be so flirty with me.. I wasn't really understanding what he wanted or why he was being this way with me when he was so mean and still murderous and dangerous. I knew one thing though.. I didn't want to leave.. I know that's wrong because I'm a princess and I have obligations, but.. I felt more at home with the pirate captain than I ever have in the castle with my royal family.

"We're going to be sailing for a while. If you want to take a break you can. You can just do whatever." Shawn speaks and I nod removing myself from in front of him. Just then one of the other random crew mates come up with a map. I step away so the captain can do his thing and suddenly he's yelling at Nate to take the wheel.

"What the fuck is this?! Who put the wrong fucking coordinates on the map!" He growled. "Who did it. This is bull shit I work fucking hard to get us where we need to go I'm fucking done having you work on my maps." Shawn growled and grabbed the crewman.

"Shawn!" I shout and run to him. He can't kill someone just from a small mistake.. I try to grab his arm but he's seething and has the man in a choke hold with one fist gripped into his shirt. "Shawn stop it!" I shout and tug him.

"Get the fuck off." The captain snaps at me and I squeak backing up staring horrifed at him.

Shawn drops the man to the ground. "You better fucking run before I-" and the man hauls it below deck.

"Shane!" He shouts. "Watch the princess I have to fix this." He growled his eyes were dark and he was angry but he had no right to snap at me like that..

I was glaring at him. "You're an asshole." I huff at him.

The pirate captain looks up at me with an unamused expression and glares. "Thanks sweetheart. You can sleep below deck too." He snapped. "My fucking map is messed up. I have to measure where we are with the fucking chronometer and the fucking compass." He growled and stormed off.

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