Pirate chapter 7

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I wake up bright red the next morning because once again I had a pretty intense dream.. The pirate captain was gone already. I sat up and I pout looking at the empty bed next to me. He snuggled me all night. He had his arms in a locked grip around me. It made me feel safe which is ridiculous because he literally kidnapped me.

His coat is missing, as are his boots and weapons and hat. So he was up. But where? Was I locked in the room? I stand up and adjust the "pirate" clothes I had on before combing through my hair with my fingers and sliding on my shoes. I walk to the door, and to my surprise it's unlocked.. I curiously walk out and glance around cautiously for the pirate captain. I see him pulling ropes in from the sails, as we're docked, and he catches my eyes, gesturing for me to come to him.

I shyly walk forward and up to him, looking at him. "I wasn't locked in the room?" I ask.

The captain smirks at me. "I may of forgot." He shrugged. He never forgot anything. He must of left it on purpose, and it made me smile a little. "We're having a new recruit join us from town. He's good with maps. Not as good as me but I have my hands full with you." He winks.

I blushed and looked down. "Can... we steer?" I ask him, "when we move again?"

Shawn smiles at me softly not cocky or a smirk. "If you want, love." He says. "Stay by me today." He added with a wink.

I giggled and looked down at my feet.

"And if you want me to touch you just ask." He winks and there's the cocky captain that I want to heel kick. How can he go from being sweet to being obnoxious.

My face burns and I look up and glare at him. "I don't know what you're talking about!" I huff and cross my arms.

"Oh angel, you must of had a very good dream last night." The captain teased and poked my angry heated face.

"I'm going back to the room. Have fun pulling ropes." I grumbled and turned around.

Shawn grabs me instantly and pulls me back pinning me against the mast and causing me to blush even more as he towered over me.. he glances down at my lips, and slides his hands to my waist, before slowly leaning forward...

"Captain! New recruit is here!" Frankie one of the other trusted crewmen speaks. Out of the 5 that I found were the captains actual friends.

Shawn nodded and pulled back. "Go in the room, princess. I need to cross examine and it's not something you want to see." He says and I could tell he was becoming the serious deadly pirate captain that made my heart thump.

I nodded and pulled away still blushing as I walked back to his room. He was about to kiss me..

After a bit the captain comes into the room. "Come steer?" He smiles and offers his hand for me to take. I smiled and took it. I didn't know what was happening between us but I didn't mind.. at all.. all I knew was when he was sweet to me it was something else..

When we walk out, we run into the new recruit..

"So this is the princess?" He asks eyeing me up and down causing me to shrink back by shawn.

"Yes. She is to be kept secret, princess this is James he's the new recruit." The captain replied with a stern look. He didn't want to look soft. I wanted to giggle at that. It's funny to me now because I've kind of seen a softer side of him.

"So you're here by choice?" James asks me.

I glare. "Absolutely not." I wasn't.. I was kidnapped. Just because I'm having confusing feelings doesn't mean it still wasn't wrong.

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