Pirate chapter 4

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I never thought I'd miss the lumpy bed in the captains room; but compared to the damp, gross, rotted floor of the cell.. well. The captain was in his office. His door was cracked as I heard him going through papers and things. I was in clean clothes finally, the captains clothes, but I found myself falling asleep instantly as the fatigue of the passed two-three days hits. I wasn't sure how to feel about anything right now. I was still terrified. I wasn't sure what was going to happen. The captain hugged me.. and I felt something funny.. I shouldn't even be feeling that kind of way. I've been kidnapped for a reason and I didn't know why. Although, I am glad I'm not at the castle going through a betrothal. Being kidnapped is at least better than that.

The next morning I wake up and I look to the small side table and see a small plate with biscuits and a cup of honey and tea.. I raised my eyebrows but happily sat up and began to sip the tea. I wondered if he was going to be a little nicer. It's been a week now.. I wondered if anyone else realized I was gone. Well I mean obviously they did.. the guard ship. I sat up and took the small plate.

My thoughts are disrupted as I hear the familiar captains boots walk up to the door and unlock it.. oh yes of course I'm still locked in here.. he walks into the room and looks at me expressionless.

"Do you like your breakfast?" Shawn asks low and I look at him confused. Why was he bringing me breakfast?

"Yes..? Thank you?" I stated but as a question because why is he being nice?

"We're going to dock today. If you want to come disguise yourself." He grumbled and walked into his office closing the door.

He's going to let me come.. ? Or he's going to try to sell me?

"Are you going to try to sell me out?" I asked him through the door as I nibbled a biscuit.

He opens the door and he now has his weapons on and looks at me. "I don't need money right now."

I grumbled and glared down at my plate in my lap.

"Or stay here. I'd say not to go through my desk but you already fucking did that.." Shawn huffed and crossed his arms.

"Can I come?" I ask him and looking up at him cautiously. His eyes are on me and I feel my cheeks burn.

"I already said." Shawn rolled his eyes. Well excuse me.

Actually.. I'm still kind of tired.. "I think I want to stay.. and nap.." I mumbled, setting the plate back on the small table. I looked down again and fiddled with the hem of his shirt I was in.

"You're still getting locked in here." Shawn replied as if I thought otherwise.

"I know. I'm just tired." I huffed and laid down.

Shawn looked at me again then nodded. "Your choice, princess. He stated then walked out. I heard the locks and I closed my eyes slowly drifting off..

The captain got back and looked at me on the bed. His eyes were dark and ferocious as he eyed me like prey. He's on me in seconds and i squeak as he leans down and kisses my neck. "You want it from a deadly pirate captain don't you princess.." he growls and moves between-

I gasp and sit up abruptly, sweating and blood red in the face. What the heck was that!? I literally just dreamed-

Shawn walks in and raises an eyebrow at me.

"What's got you hot and bothered?" He asks and sets a bag down eyeing me suspiciously.

"Im not!" I lie and glare at him. If I see correctly he has a smirk on his face I wanted to slap off.

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