Pirate chapter 34

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I wasn't sure which way to run. The ghoul was keeping up with me as we carefully ran across the disheveled terrain. I was glancing around carefully and I jumped once again as I heard more shouting. We made it up to a wooden decayed building and we stopped running briefly to catch our breath. Well, me catch my breath, the ghoul seemed unaffected.

Tobias freezes for a moment in their steps. His eyes glowed and he glanced at the captain.

"Something is not right." Tobias stated.

Shawn nodded, "what is it?" He asks low. If the witch doctor was worried...

"Your sister.. is not.." he began. "Not here.."

"WHAT?!" The captain growled. "Then what the fuck!"

Tobias shakes his head worry flooding his skeletal expression. "No no. Captain. She is here. But not here."

Shawn stiffens. "Like.. dead?"

"Not quite.." Tobias replied and sighed. "We need to hurry. This might not bode well. Prepare yourself."

The captain sighed and ran his hands down his face. How much more shit could possibly go wrong? They continued to make their way through the terrain.

They walked a bit longer and they suddenly came up to old decayed, burnt, remnants of a cabin. The captains home. It was eerily quiet, but the smell was enough for them to know they weren't alone. Davy jones had a rotten smell to him. Being half dead and all. Shawn stiffened and his heart thudded as he heard creaking of the floor boards inside the rotting cabin.

The ghoul and I were still running. My breathing was getting harder. I didn't know which way to go. The ghoul looks at me and shakes slightly using his magic I supposed. Then he glances forward.

"Just ahead the trees. I sense my master." The ghoul whispered and I nodded as we ran that direction.

We make it just behind some trees and I squeak seeing Shawn about 30 feet infront of me. The ghoul holds a finger up to his lips shushing me and we hid behind some trees to watch the scene before us. I covered my nose trying to not breath in the foul air that seemed to appear,

A figure was standing in the doorway of the crumbling house. My heart sunk to my stomach. Out saunters Davy jones. He would be taller if it weren't for the awful hunch of a back he displayed.. Decrepit. Rotting body parts hanging by a thread.. meat thread. I gagged to my self. And like the captain had told me. Some of his pieces were welded back on with cast iron. He had an iron eye, part of his jaw, his leg, several fingers, and in the center of his rotten greenish chest had a plate of it. I'm assuming that's where his "heart" is. His other eye was sunken and had dark purple and black bags. Was this what happened when you disobeyed the rules of the earth magic?

"Welcome home, captain." Jones sneers as he walks into the clouded light of the day. I thought he couldn't look more disgusting. He was oozing.

"Where is my sister? This wasn't a part of the deal." Shawn growled and took a step forward. The trees rustled and more "zombie" like monsters appear. The captain stumbles back slightly.

"You broke your part of the deal. Don't you remember?" Jones replied. "Let me guess. You fell in love didn't you?" He cackled. "Come out, darling."

I'm suddenly grabbed and I gasp and scream as a female dragged me over to Jones. The ghoul was attempted to be grabbed. "Ghoul, come." Tobias whistled and the ghoul apparated into to smoke and reformed next to the witch doctor.

"No!!" Shawn growled and looked at me horrified. At both of us... the woman that grabbed me.. "Helena!" Shawn growled, "what are you doing?!" His sister..

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