Pirate chapter 17

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I slowly walk out of the small hallway below deck and I am horrified at what I see.. my heart drops to my stomach.. Shawn is swarmed and grabbed. Pinned down to his knees by two of the guard.
I scream and run out. My dream..

"Ah' so baby sister is here!" Henry growled. "We have been sailing for two months trying to find her." He yelled. He glared at me angrily. "This is un-fucking-believable!"

"Let him go!!" I scream and start crying as I run up.

Shawn's eyes are dark and he's looking down.. never has the captain of the reaper been detained.. well for years anyway.. The rest of the crew were held back by other guards. I was trembling. Shaking with fear. Something told me the captain just told the crew to stand down.

"Father has been looking for you. I have been looking for you. Why would you give a shit?!" He growled. "You're to be married off so we can take control of other land! because the king of ellisim is going to help us wipe out smaller towns for our royal growth."

"NO! You let him go right now! I am NOT going back. You are not going to kill innocent people!!" I scream as I'm grabbed. "LET HIM GO LET HIM GO! LET ME GO!" I shout and kick but I'm thrown to the ground in front of the pirate captain. I look at him with tears brimming over my eyes. I'm grabbed by the guard and my arms are pinned behind my back as I flail.

"Why the fuck would you care?! Weren't you fucking kidnapped? You dumb bitch." Henry huffed. "You were with this god damn pirate the whole time."

"Leave him a-alone." I cried I was shaking. Henry then looks at me. Something clicking in his head as he looked between us.

He then laughed, "oh my god, you're in love with him." He snorted. "Wait til father hears about this." He growled and grabbed me by my hair then seeing the bite marks all along my neck. "Ooh you're so fucking dead." Henry growled and drew his sword backing up. He nods and the other gard members shoved Shawn down.

"Now that you've got me what's next?" Shawn growled low, finally speaking.. his voice was that of a thousand tortured souls.. he spoke quietly but I could feel his words like knives pierce my heart.. he was upset.. only he hid it very well. He knew better than to make a scene in front of my brother.. the prince..  Henry held his blade across Shawn's neck. The pirate captains eyes still dark and he was then deadly silent. I was full on bawling my eyes out. Storm clouds rolled in and thunder boomed through the sky.

"Let him go please!! I'll go with you." I cried. He couldn't kill shawn.. I couldn't take it.. i was in love with him and I didn't even get to tell him..

"You're fucking going anyway." Henry growled and pressed his sword to Shawn's neck.

"Please!!!" I gasped and writhed against the guard to try and break free, "don't hurt him!! I never told father about the noble girls staying in your room please let him go!!" I sobbed and squirmed even more.

Henry glared at me. "As if he'd fucking care. But if it slips to the town.." he trailed off. It was bad when news of royal infidelity was released. Riots could start.

It was quiet for a few moments. Henry pulls back shoving Shawn down onto the deck and a breath of slight relief floods through me.

"Go." He nods at the guard. They run back to the ship. Henry grabs me and holds my arm tightly.

Shawn stands up and his eyes are pitch black as he towers over Henry. My heart was pounding in my chest and my stomach was twisted into knots. Tears streamed down my face like a river.

"Get the fuck out of here." Henry growled meeting his gaze. "You will be dead the next time I see you."

I cried and tried to reach out for for the pirate captain. Henry elbowed me hard in the side and I doubled over in pain as he turned and dragged me off the ship..

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