✓10. Oh Hell No✓

320 19 37

A short break, short time to spend time with their family. The three spend the lasting days with each, having to carry their siblings along the ride of an amusement park before they left for campus the following day.

It was sad for Beau since he wanted to spend more time out of there but he had to go either way.



"Why did it have to fucking end?!" Beau yelled out in frustration.

Navarro sighs. It was a matter of time before Beau started with this. All time he was pouty and frowning and grumbling all morning, but now that they heading to their classes he was loud with it.

"I wanted to cuddle my mama more.." He frowned more. Navarro rolled his eyes. "You sound like a child desperate for attention." Beau's frown turned into a scowl. "And you sound as heartless as ever. Plus what I sound like doesn't matter. It's the words."

"Your complaining?" Navarro questions.

"Ok well fuck you then jackass."

Navarro's lip slowly turned into a smirk.

"Fuck you huh?...Is that an offer?.."

Beau lip twitched with a disgusted look. Always Navarro taking how words as something sexual. I mean he does the same shit but they were in public for fucks sakes.

Beau side eyed his boyfriend and picked up pace. "You don't ever come near me again." He said.

Navarro chuckled. "Oh whatever you hypocrite and your forgetting your shit!" Beau holts, turned, grabbed his bag out of Navarro's hand and heads off again.

"No goodbye?"

Beau's response was a middle finger into the air and already heading into his class. Navarro shaked his head and scoffs.

Yep, nevee changed.

Now, Navarro was the one to head for his class-the one he hates to his very fiber- especially without Beau to torment. Oh great.



Navarro sat in the auditorium, the math lecture he was getting was boring him out of his mind. The only reason he hadn't gotten up and skipped was the fact he was pestering Beau in text.

Navarro gotten a funny text of Beau telling him off and heart emoji to end it and chuckled. Ah, still a bitch.

But as he was chilling back and ignoring the lectures, he had a feeling of eyes on him every chance the got. It didn't bother him so much but it was getting uncomfortable and hella annoying.

It won't matter anyways since the bell was about to ring anyways.

The few minutes passed, Navarro kicked back and closed his eyes. Those eyes never seized.

Navarro was getting annoyed. But the lecture ended happily for him and Navarro headed out that room without another second left.

Now, Navarro is a simple guy. Born and raised to give a shit to those worthy then not give a shit at all. Also born in the home of a Mafia Lord and trained to know his surroundings.

This problem he has right now was following. He could feel it as he walked down the hall.

Again Navarro doesn't bother himself and instead though of another alternative. Maybe, just maybe they were just someone else going about their business.

Funny. Oh how he wished.


Navarro heard that name. That horrendous nickname he made sure and take out of his brain. But now it was lasing him back.

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