✓9. At Home ✓

480 17 134


~Navarro & Beau, 18+,~



"Free time!!!"

Beau ran out the door of his bedroom, heading out to already see Fraiz and Navarro talking and chatting with one another.

Navarro takes a glance to Beau and deadpanned. "There is no need for the excitement."

Beau looked his boyfriend up and down, disgusted that those words every left his duck shaped lips. "So you don't miss your family?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"Exactly! What the fuck you asking me about I being excited? Why the fuck will I not be?"

Fraiz sighs between his best friend and then little brother and their normal bickering about over excitment and savage comebacks.

"Ok ok calm down. I want to bring you home without a bruised lip." Fraiz grabs his brother's shoulders and guided away to the side. "Well talk with asshate over there and his dumbass questions."

"I didn't ask a question. I said there was no need for the excitement. We didn't move states."

"Oh damn look at that I didn't ask." Beau smiled sarcastically, frowning at him till he yank open the front door and walked out with Fraiz's keys.

Fraiz say the sight of his keys and began patting his pockets. When he didn't feel anything he breathed out again and placed a hand to his head.

"Better get him before he leaves you."

"You can say that cause your not driving with us."

"Best news in my opinion."

Fraiz just rolled his eyes and followed Navarro out of the dorm room and to the student parking lot.

Beau sat in the backseat of Friaz's supercar and waited for said brother and Navarro to pick up their slow man speed and get them home.

"The daylight is burning."

"Your so impatient."

Beau showed Navarro the middle finger and came out the car after him. Fraiz only watched on as the two went to Navarro's truck.

"And I'm not impatient your just slow."

"You didn't say that last night."

Beau glared hard into Navarro's playful sharp eyes. The very thought and the hope that Friaz didn't catch any of that was loaming over him. But then again, this is his brother he was speaking about.

And said brother had a a visitor with him. Kace was now here, that little boyfriend of his big brother has now made his appearance.

That occupied the two and so the duo were back in their own world.

"Are you gonna miss me?"

Navarro lent against his car and rose an eyebrow and his very words. "Miss you? As your smart mouth says, there's a phone." He said with his eyes, flicking his boyfriend on his nose only for Beau to grab the arm and pull it away. "So no missing?"

"What think I'm going to cheat?"

"No never."

"Then stop asking." He whispered down into Beau's ear, rubbing his skin against Beau's neck and kissed at his sensitive spot. Beau's eyes fluttered close at the feeling, head lolling back as he gasped into the feeling.

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