Chapter 14

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Until meeting Kang Gwonhoo, I couldn't have imagined someone speaking so endearingly about a rat.

"Huh? Do you know him?"

It was when the man was about to come back into the room. Just as Kang Gwonhoo reached out, the cabinet door slammed shut. It must have been some skill, not too difficult to use, but impressive nonetheless, as effortlessly as breathing.

"I'll handle it. You can leave first."

As Kang Gwonhoo used formal language with guild members, Seokhyun, the subordinate, seemed like someone working together through a different route.

"Y-yes! I'll take care of it, Captain!"

Seeing his fearful yet loyal attitude only strengthened my suspicion. The footsteps gradually faded, leaving only my rough breathing in the room.

"Nice to see you again, Baek Woojin."

His sweet tone constricted my breath, like savoring sugar. I hurriedly opened my mouth which had been tightly sealed due to tension.

"I, I'm here because something is going on. It has nothing to do with you. I swear!"

I realized for the first time that I could speak so quickly. My body was shaking as if being asked to be friends by a ghost.

"Of course. You wouldn't have interfered with my work."

Kang Gwonhoo's hand wiped my face. It was a dry hand in stark contrast to my sweat.

'I wasn't thinking like that at all. His eyes are so cold! I'm not getting sold somewhere, am I?'

Why would Kang Gwonhoo have a reason to trust me in the first place? From expressing a desire to join my guild, he would be basing his interest and suspicion.

"I really mean it. Look, here's the red sign. I just came to get the address of the black market for an urgent purchase."

Kang Gwonhoo, who had ignored my words until then, took me out of the cabinet. The body that had been crouched down all this time finally gained freedom, producing creaking sounds here and there. Shoulders, back, and knees complained without any consideration, alternately expressing their pain as if they were the ones suffering more.

"Why did you come in here? Uncomfortable and dirty."

Because of you and your subordinate. I silently retorted.

"There was no Jeon Seogu I wanted to meet, so I hid because I felt like dangerous people were coming in while I was trying to go somewhere else. I didn't think making excuses would work."

Kang Gwonhoo chuckled, making a sound like "Hmm..." Watching a satiated predator seeing a weak herbivore, his expression seemed to say, 'Look at this, can you believe it?'

"Please, don't talk like that between us. Just trust me once."

What 'us'? We weren't anything. Still, it was better to say something than to die or be sold like this.

"Well, I have no reason not to believe you."

Surprisingly, Kang Gwonhoo seemed pleased with my words, even giving a massage around my stiff neck. He showed irritation that couldn't be hidden even with skilled acting when he first opened the cabinet, but now he looked completely fine. I had seen this face so often that I was more confident in understanding his mood than anyone else.

"So, what information did you want to buy?"

Not wanting to make Kang Gwonhoo uncomfortable again after his mood improved, I didn't want to lie. Having just survived, I was not inclined to plunge back into another perilous situation.

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