Chapter 17

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Ryu Jisoo repeated the information she already knew. Then, as if feeling guilty for her suspicion, she bowed deeply and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"No, it's okay. Can I assume you're joining the guild I created?"

"Yes, that's the plan. I'll be loyal."

Ryu Jisoo's eyes sparkled again as she raised her head. In the midst of adversity, she leaned towards the dark side but remained a good sister and a loyal person. Despite using lethal methods, gaining a reliable ally was satisfying.

"That's a rather light loyalty."

Until Kang Gwonhoo joined the conversation.


Ryu Jisoo responded with bewilderment to the unexpected objection.

"Are you pledging loyalty just because you obtained something you needed? I'm worried as a fellow guild member because if someone from another guild offers you what you want, you might react the same way."

He spoke well on the topic of potential betrayal even without others working against me. Ryu Jisoo, perhaps feeling insulted, had a reddened face.

"I don't act that way towards just anyone."

"That's something we don't know."

Why was Kang Gwonhoo picking a fight with someone he just met? Although he had the ability to easily gain someone's favor, it was unclear why he acted this way.

'Maybe I should mediate.'

It was a brief moment of hesitation. The sound of a vibrating phone echoed loudly, bringing relief as I wanted to leave this place.

The caller was Kim Jun.


- Hyung, it's Kim Jun. Is it okay if I make this call right now?

He sounded like a kid who had just learned phone etiquette.

"Yeah, it's okay."

- I've really thought a lot about this decision, so please trust me. I really want to join your guild. If I'm lacking in strength, I'll train hard until you accept me.

Deciding to quickly finish the first quest today since the opportunity presented itself, I accepted the fact that this situation had been resolved. Although the guild was risky with potential risks, the problem could be solved by quickly kicking out Kim Joon if things became dangerous.

"I'll send you the address, will you come there? If you can't make it today, it's okay."

- No! I'll definitely come, so please wait for me. Hyung!

Even after I texted Kim Jun and came back, Ryu Jisoo and Kang Gwonhoo were continuing their mental standoff

"If you're the person I know, you're quite famous. Why are you trying to join this newly formed small guild now?"

"Well, you see."

While I was present, Kang Gwonhoo, who had been scratching his head for a while, now made it clear that he had no interest in the other party. If that's the case, I couldn't understand why he came in the first place. Although both characters were striking from a distance and formed an interesting picture, it wasn't to the extent of being unaware to make such a comment.

'But come to think of it, Kang Gwonhoo used to be a character interested in Ryu Jisoo, but now he's not at all. If he's acting like this because he hasn't figured out her abilities yet, he might regret it later. Ryu Jisoo has grown to the point where even Kang Gwonhoo, the best in the world, can't just throw her away.'

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