Intermission É First

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Extracted from Mariul of The Five's book - Page 3

The Incident of unknown causation in 2012 caused a biological shift in the world. We hath pointed out the source being from the south, formerly known as the Antarctic. This shift was due to the emersion of the "beasts" that we, The Equilateral make battle with on the daily.

The dastardly beasts hath been classified into four groups:

Docile: Harmless creatures that are non-lethal unless handled by absolute fools. This also includes known domesticated livestock/Animalia before 2012.

Creeps: Creatures (small, in most cases) that are hostile and/or have the potential to cause harm to persons.

Behemoths: Like their namesake, they are beasts that tend to be larger than life for the most part. É main definer wouldst be definitively harmful to persons and collateral damage be it hostile/docile.

Alphas: Apex Predators. They hath been evolved specifically to commit horrors and genocides around the known world. They can be in any shape or form. Will always be hostile. Little record exists due to their lack of appearance... or no one lived long enough.

Since The Equilateral formed in 2020, the established Heights of The Base in the name of The One and Only have culled over 10 million recorded beasts. 9.9 million of which were Creeps and above. I still cannot fathom why I would be assigned as a Fifth for I contributed little to this towering figure.

As long as The Equilateral remains at equilibrium, the dastardly beasts wouldst do no harm towards É persons within The Equilateral.

All deeds will be done in the name of The One and The Only.

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