Extracted from Mariul of The Five's book - Page 5
The Equilateral's organisation is based on an equilateral triangle, though not completely. The major components include: The Five, The Four, The Three, The Two, The One, Heights, The Base, The Sixty-Degree.
The Heights are those who hath been bestowed the ability to counteract the dastardly beasts. The origins of said abilities were found to be related to the Incident of 2012. Unfortunately, no one hath been blessed w/ enough erudition as to why we the Heights get the specific abilities we've been bestowed upon.
The Heights are established on The Base. The Base is the location of our commune. It is also the source of deeds to combat the beasts. Branches of The Base hath also been constructed by The Four to better facilitate é distribution of deeds in addition to areas o' respite for some.
The Five are an integral part of The Equilateral. They are the foundation following The Base. They are the 5 greatest Heights appointed by The One and Only. Mine humble self was é newest addition. Mine predecessor held é title of "Diamond" which I now carry upon mine weary shoulders. The only information mine-self could procure was that he committed a sin before taking one's own life. The sin in particular was expunged. Why wouldst he do so knowingly that one cannot go against The One's will?
I am unfamiliar with the rest of The Five myself except The Peak, who is our leader and the best Height of The Equilateral. The other members are known as "Club", "Spade" and "Heart". I hath inferred that The Peak is one crippling gambling addict. Since he was in charge of the titles of The Five (With the exception of his own, of course.).

The Equilateral
FantasyIn 2012, a biological shift in the regions of the Antarctic spawned multiple devastating beasts upon the land. Since then, they have ravaged around the globe, knocking down borders and purging human life. In 2020, a legendary figure now known as "Th...