Extracted from the Height's Journal of Quanta Leyard- Page 3
Heights Observational Report
Beast Identification: Wereblades
Beast Classification: Behemoth
Man, where do I begin......
Let's start with how they just can't live without each other. They pretty much appear in pairs or triplets all of the time. They are like those creatures in olden tales of men turning into "Werewolves". I guess that's where The Four got that idea. Instead of regular ol' claws, they've got freaking blades on them. They did NOT feel good at all. Their killing doesn't end at death apparently. Mariul told me they literally ripped me to shreds before consuming me (ugh should not have asked him anything...).
Thinking back, I was doing pretty well with that lone wereblade. But then Mariul had to open his fat mouth and said that it was strange to see only one of them. Soon.fucking.enough, the other two jumped me... lesson learnt. I should figure out a way to prevent ambushes or backstabbing from happening to me. But for now, that's kinda the least of my concern.
Anyway, since they work as a group all of the time, I assume that once one of them falls, the others will follow suit quickly. I wouldn't know that of course. They also seemed to lack actual proficiency in their blade work... perhaps they were too used to their prey never fighting back, or they were slightly younger than the rest. Who knows? In the end it didn't matter. After all, there's strength in numbers...
One is most pleasantly surprised. Thou hath bothered to write a report on é encountered beasts. Details are there too. Although, why woulst I be mentioned umpteen times for? In addition, this ought to be more objective, rather than subjective...
HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET THIS OUT FROM ME???????????????? I hid it in my body! Did you fucking feel me up?
Tis but a method I cannot explaineth in detail...

The Equilateral
FantasyIn 2012, a biological shift in the regions of the Antarctic spawned multiple devastating beasts upon the land. Since then, they have ravaged around the globe, knocking down borders and purging human life. In 2020, a legendary figure now known as "Th...