Chapter 5 [The Storm]

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Now Playing: [Operation Dawnseeker - 塞壬唱片-MSR · Terry Zhong]

"O' foul beast, may you be felled tonight."

A lone cave – Outskirts off Aste

26th December 2048 –17 00hrs

613 km from The Base

Mariul: What is taking that whelp so long...

Nova: Why so mean – to Quanta?

Mariul: That whelp deserves what comes to her. Hey don't hit me again!

Nova giggles as she lowers her fist, Mariul closes his eyes briefly and sighs.

Nova: You... better now?

Mariul: Unnecessary worry for mine being. Thank you for asking.

Nova: But why... you hate her?

Mariul: Because of the obligation of escorting her.

Mariul: And being a bi-

Quanta: Well you wanna eat or what?

Quanta appeared from the entrance, the rain now significantly more relentless, the outside view was shrouded in a translucent curtain of diving raindrops. Quanta carried a carcass on her shoulders, it was covered in burn marks with some fur standing on end. She threw the carcass on the ground before carving it with her longsword. Mariul throws a skinner blade beside Quanta.

Mariul: Took you long enough, whelp.

Quanta: Shut the hell up, try tracking anything down in this stupid rain. Be glad that a deer was roaming around for some reason.

Mariul: tsk

Nova: Nova will help.

Mariul stoked the fire as the two girls carved the deer. Nova taught Quanta her methods of carving with the skinner blade and soon managed to procure enough cuts for a few days' worth of meals. Mariul manifests a rotisserie spit (out of nowhere). Quanta and Nova stared at him with puzzled looks, with their heads tilted.

Mariul: Hm?

Quanta: We cut them as steaks yo.

Mariul: ...

Mariul: Damn and blast.

Nova: We can roast... leg.

Mariul: Yes, let's.

Quanta had never seen Mariul get ecstatic over something like this before. When Mariul noticed their perplexed looks, he collected himself. He lets out a fake cough and brings out a grill. The trio roasted and grilled their fill, not sparing a moment of idle. Nova proceeded to freeze the leftover meat and stored it in an insulated container created by Mariul.

Quanta: Yeah let's leave it here for later after we're done.

Nova: Quanta, show sparkle sparkle.

Quanta: hm? Now?

Nova: I show. You – no show.

Quanta: (This could be my chance to impress her!)

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